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I agree with your comment with one expansion: the Republican candidates do exactly the same thing. It's the whole 'man in the arena' concept. Days could be spent digging up Trump's tweets about how certain things would not happen under his watch. And guess what - they have. It has nothing to do with party.Anybody can say that when they don't have to demonstrate it / prove it. Anyone of the 20 how ever many Democrat presidential candidates there were can say that ... because they don't actually have to prove it.
Exactly. It probably wouldn't be a stretch to say any Democrat would have reacted in a similar manner to Cuomo, Newsom, et al. at the start. We know what happened there. Now, we're seeing a surge in states which are more typically more conservative.I see your point, gmase. What I was trying to get across more to the exact point is that right now at THIS very instant in real time, ONLY Trump has to actually deal with the pandemic and actually execute whatever ideas he has to try and hogtie Covid-19. Right or wrong, fast or slow, working or not working, popular or not popular ... Trump right now has to actually take shots at the Covid-19 target. Anyone else can just say that they would have hit the target's bullseye with one shot back in March with the precision of a Sniper and that Covid-19 would have been wiped out by now. They don't actually have to take a shot and prove it.
But yeah, I see what you're saying. Armchair Quarterbacking / Monday Morning Quarterbacking goes on from both sides. 😁
Right or wrong, fast or slow, working or not working, popular or not popular ... Trump right now has to actually take shots at the Covid-19 target. Anyone else can just say that they would have hit the target's bullseye with one shot back in March with the precision of a Sniper and that Covid-19 would have been wiped out by now.
Exactly ... as in NO ONE has THE definitive answer.Trying to figure it out as they go along is commonly known as the scientific method. The experts give the best advice they can with the information available to them at the time. This advice changes as new information becomes available. This is a brand new disease that nobody had studied a year ago.
As always, thanks Dick.@ChuckFaze - I really have to commend your patience, use of facts, logic, and sound reasoning in your effort to reach the soft-brains. Nonetheless, I think that you're wasting your time - it's absolutely obvious to everyone that Trump gave George Floyd covid, and then suffocated him because he wasn't dying fast enough. And then he had a rally about it, and told everyone to bring masks to burn. I can't believe you support Trump. You're part of the problem, but Joe Biden's gonna fix your wagon!
Yeah, it HAS turned out to be a major@ChuckFaze - I really have to commend your patience, use of facts, logic, and sound reasoning in your effort to reach the soft-brains. Nonetheless, I think that you're wasting your time - it's absolutely obvious to everyone that Trump gave George Floyd covid, and then suffocated him because he wasn't dying fast enough. And then he had a rally about it, and told everyone to bring masks to burn. I can't believe you support Trump. You're part of the problem, but Joe Biden's gonna fix your wagon!
I have warned you about thinking.Thanks for humoring us guys. I will go back to honoring the board rule concerning Dick's superiority. Forgive my jibberish Dick.
Hey Joe, Pick Me: Hillary Clinton Says She’s ‘Ready To Help’ In A Biden White House
Says the squealing, shamelessly pandering Fraud Bitch Swine after not being able to go silently into the night ... not being able to let it go coming up on 4 YEARS after having LOST!“I don’t want to scare people, but I want you to be prepared. I have every reason to believe that Trump is not going to go, you know, silently into the night if he loses,” Clinton said.