New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
One, george. Just ONE crime Hillary has been convicted of. Name eet.
Name. Eet.
One, george. Just ONE crime Hillary has been convicted of. Name eet.
I sure hope that "specifically targeting those individuals that have defied an order of deportation" is just the priority on which they concentrate for right now. But, once they get get everyone of those riffraff's asses deported ... then switch over full steam ahead to ALL the remaining ILLEGAL, lying, system-abusing, law-ignoring, uninvited, perpetually-bitching mutha fucking SOBs!!!"This is not a raid where we're going out into the streets and grabbing anybody that we can. We're specifically targeting those individuals that have defied an order of deportation by a judge here in the United States," Judd said, adding that not going after those who defy court orders sends a message to foreign nationals that it’s OK to disobey the country’s immigration laws.
George still can't name one crime that Hillary Clinton has been convicted of, but keeps pumping out that Hate Speech, it must suck to be so miserable.
There is no hate speech, you are too thin skinned to deal with the facts, I call a cat, a cat. Remind me please who was responsible of the benghazi fiasco, of the 33000 deleted emails with bleachbit software and several suspicious related deaths against people who should have testified against her and her husband? The bitch fraud swine Clinton, not anyone else.
There is no hate speech, you are too thin skinned to deal with the facts, I call a cat, a cat. Remind me please who was responsible of the benghazi fiasco, of the 33000 deleted emails with bleachbit software and several suspicious related deaths against people who should have testified against her and her husband? The bitch fraud swine Clinton, not anyone else.
Oh, right, it's part of the show.
George still can't name one crime that Hillary Clinton has been convicted of, but keeps pumping out that Hate Speech, it must suck to be so miserable.
I sure hope that "specifically targeting those individuals that have defied an order of deportation" is just the priority on which they concentrate for right now. But, once they get get everyone of those riffraff's asses deported ... then switch over full steam ahead to ALL the remaining ILLEGAL, lying, system-abusing, law-ignoring, uninvited, perpetually-bitching mutha fucking SOBs!!!
I hope they round up a supersized shitload of them fuckers HERE in my area. DEPORT half of the entire fucking area if need be. artysml: I'm sick and tired of all the Democrats and the biased media aiding and abetting them. :cussing: It's time that these Democrats get them and their treasonous ways chopped down several notches. :yesyes:
"We're going to buyback all 20 million 'Assault Rifles' to combat mass shootings."
"There's no possible way to deport 12 million illegal aliens."
~same people