Bigfoot's body reportedly found by two guys

Good to see they're still breeding them strong in "Bigfoot Country" :rofl:
What is a DNA test supposed to prove anyway?

There is an assumption that Bigfoot's DNA is going to be more like Man's, rather than another (perhaps unknown) animal.

Simply because eyewitness reports suggest a 'man-like' creature, doesn't mean it will have 'man-like' DNA.:2 cents:

blue ballz 22

Closed Account
*It has two arms and two legs, and five fingers on each hand and
five toes on each foot.

im surprised they didnt find a watch or glasses.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
This just made me happy! A whole new type of possible NBA players!
When everyone arrives at the meeting they first have to sit through a 3 hour sales pitch on a new condos in the swamps.:confused:


I wonder if they blew up the costume and but-fucked it prior to throwing it into a freezer?
This thread has no value whatsoever other than me thinks that Bigfoot would probably vote Republican.