Top 10:
1) Metal Gear Solid Series (All of them are absolutely's one of the most epic stories ever told, let alone the actual game play. Which is amazing...this is so far above every other game/game franchise ever made it's ridiculous. Nothing else comes close.)
2) Grand Theft Auto Series (Nothing relieves stress better than blowing shit up and killing people. :fight: lol)
3) Starcraft (The game that made me think, "Hey, using my noodle can be fun!" :tongue
4) Ace Combat Series (Very similar to Metal Gear Solid...tells a mini-epic story in each game, which is the best part. Plus, I get to fly like Maverick.
5) Gran Turismo Series (Allows me to drive the cars of my dreams.
6) Spyro the Dragon Series (So much mindless fun as a kid...)
7) Call of Duty Modern Warfare Series (So much mindless fun as an
8) Madden Series (Football...what's not to like?
9) Pokemon - Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold and Silver (Yes, they're Pokemon games. But they're also super addictive and tons of fun, whether you liked the whole Pokemon thing or not.)
10) Freedom Fighters (Not the greatest game, but one that I love a lot, and it has a story that always interested me. It's kind of Red Dawn-ish; It's all about a plumber fighting back against a Soviet invasion of New York City in an alternate reality where the Commies got the A-bomb first, dropping it on Berlin and sending our soldiers home early. Slowly, the Iron Curtain fell over all of Europe and South America, the US choosing to revert back to the isolationism that dominated the 30s and ignore the impending doom. When they invade the US of A though, they find we put up a different kind of fight. It's for PS2...check it out if you get a chance. I recommend it.