Best video game system

The DS doesnt have shit on the PSP!
yeah xbox rulez and by the looks of it 360 will rule in the future. it will be like a computer with more features than just playing games. not to mention xbox live. nintendo or sony just cant offer these products for whatever reason.

**cough** **cough** (CHEAP) **cough** **cough**
it's never that easy to say which console will be the better one. the companies can juggle and brag with numbers as much as they want, that doesn't mean a thing.
even the impartial performance test won't give you a clear insight as to how this will play out in the future.

take processor performance e.g.: Sony seems to win this one from a brute power perspective, due to its 3.2GHz Cell processor with seven synergistic processing units, plus an eighth SPE reserved for redundancy - whatever that means.. BUT (!!!) we should realize that it's enormously difficult and time-consuming to program a game for an 8 processor console !
the Saturn console had the same problem. it was by far THE most powerful game console of its time, yet it was a flop, because it was almost impossible to program a proper game that would run on a 3 unit processor ! there were only a handfull of games for the Saturn.
now i don't think that this is going to happen to Sony. they sure will release all the promised game titles, but it might result in a higher price for the games.

the possible downside of xbox360 could be Microsoft's "all xbox live"-policy:
they've stated that EVERY single game for 360 will have a "live" feature. sounds great, but many of those games will be ESPECIALLY designed for xbox live, which might result in a crappy singleplayer-mode; and not everyone can afford a live account.

personally, i will go for the xbox360, because i already have the xbox, and i'm seriously looking forward to some of the 360 titles. and also because Sony has a long history of over-promising and under-achieving.

just my :2 cents:
fp27 said:
xbox by far
fp27 said:
you can do so much more on it
fp27 said:
you can install a bigger hard drive
fp27 said:
and practicly turn it into a computer

Then why not just buy a computer?
The thing about consoles that differs them from personal computers is that they are a solid precustomized package, which gives it complete reliability. Computers on the other hand can be easily customized but that also makes them less reliable (I could extrapolate this for hours). It's everyones own choice. Microsoft never relized this, they were going "Duuh a console is just like a PC with Windows, right?". And thats why Xbox is not a console but a PC.

I agree on the Super NES, so many fun, classical games. I still have mine, the controllers have been busted though because of "challengeing" games ;) I liked the controllers though, much more than the Sega Mega Drive ones.
drago52 said:
I say all of the Sega consoles and now it is the XBOX

I couldn't agree more! I think of the Dreamcast as the XBox's predecessor. As far as best console is concerned however, I'll have to say the Dreamcast.. mainy because I love the games that came out on it, and it set a new bench mark what with the online gaming and such. It's also a great looking console, which is more than can be said for the current XBox!

Best current console has gotta be the XBox, looks aside :)
scrue you guz the intelevision ROCKED all kinda anoying and busting controlers but far better then that damn xbox or ps2
hay i have the intelevision and still play it from time to time. But yes, I have all three new systems, and a ton of others, even the sega cd. As to what is my favorite system? Well the system that has kept me coming back is the xbox time and again. I love the live feature. Yes a computer can do that too, but it soo much easier to match up with friends online. Oh for those who think live is expensive, um its 60 u.s. dollar's a year. I used to have bigger bar tab's in a night. So for future reference, those of you who are mixed upon what to get, I would have to say the 360. Because of the live aspect. Great feature. Yes pc allows you to play games online, but it isnt as cool as hook'n up to a console and fighting over my 56 mistubishi dlp t.v. with my 3000 watt surround sound system. Yess 3000 watt's, main speakers are 1000 each center fromnt is 100 watt, base is 500 wat's, center rear is 100 watts and side rears are 150 each. Yes it is 6.1 dolby surround.
I'm still a huge fan of the original Nintendo. There's nothing like 8-bit graphics to get nostalgic over.
The orginal nintendo had some of the best games. Todays games you play for about a couple of seconds and toss them back on the shelve. The 8 bit games you can play for hours on end. Castlevania 2 was my fav.
jaysfrontier64 said:
The orginal nintendo had some of the best games. Todays games you play for about a couple of seconds and toss them back on the shelve. The 8 bit games you can play for hours on end. Castlevania 2 was my fav.

True, but perhaps that was because there was because you couldn't save a game and come back to it, so you had no choice but to play it for hours!
I know what you mean though - I still play on the ol' Master System every now and then. Wonderboy is one of my favourites :)


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jaysfrontier64 said:
The orginal nintendo had some of the best games. Todays games you play for about a couple of seconds and toss them back on the shelve. The 8 bit games you can play for hours on end. Castlevania 2 was my fav.

The Legend Of Zelda was addicting as hell. That one game, hour for hour, was the best dollar for dollar, IMO.