Best video game system

Porn_adicct said:
Supernintendo, best console ever. Even the crappiest games were playable

snes for me too awesome machine especially when the fx chip was introduced

all time fave though has to be the that started it all of for me and that was the spectrum 48k (manic minor was ace)
:) :nanner: :)
Xbox -- I hated it for so long and when KOTOR came out I bought the Xbox and loved it ever since.

Oh. And 3DO. :tongue:
I like the PS3, it is easy to upgrade the hard drive with a PC drive, it plays blue rays, and has some great games. The Xbox360 is also a good system, I just prefer the PS3


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
My favourite console is PSX, but SNES is great too
The PS3 is the ultimate console. Great games, free online play, blu ray etc. But I prefer playing games on the 360.
Best Console by far even to todays standard is the NEO GEO

a link for you nice people :

these people made the arcade and the console was arcade quailty and still is today but it down fall was it's super high price, frist console to do over a 100 meg game on cartridge and one hell of a joystick using the old but best micro switch which the old atari used !!


what the fuck you lookin at?
The best video game system is one they haven't even thought of yet. Think back 25 years to nintendo. that was hot shit back in the day. Sucks by todays standards. So if we use that as a basis of comparison. The PS3 and 360 are gonna garbage compared to the shit they'll come out with given another 25 years to advance the technology!!!


The PC is worse system its a fucking money hole.....Even if you buy a bad ass rig chances are something will come out by end of year that your machine cant run to perfection......Which is utter bullshit, Capitalism at its dirty best lulz........Whereas a console can run a shit load of games for maybe 3 years and of course longer if you dont buy a new one.