vincent was ehh.. i never really played him. i didnt ever feel like leveling him up so much and disassembling my party. it was cool he had a gun but other than that, his limit breaks were just whatever. ive neevr been a big fan of berserk and auto-fighting.
ive always wanted to play that spin-off game featuring vincent though.. dirge of cerberus.
yuffie is a bitch. stealing my fucking materia.
as for as aeris. i love her! i even have her tattooed on my arm.
Berserk and auto-fighting blow... I have to control my party at all times or I'm unhappy. :dunno: The worst is when you have badass characters and they get hit with confuse and kill your whole party.

Dirge of Cerberus was a lot of fun, but the auto targeting, shoot, switch targets, auto target, shoot made it REALLY fucking easy... :2 cents::dunno:
Fuck Yuffie. :thefinger :lame:
I still have a crush on Quistis Trepe from FFVIII?
Anything square puts out nowadays is shit, so the last thing they need to do now is remake old classics.
I respectfully disagree. The only Square games that let me down were FFX-2 (and if you ask me, that game was never officially made and I have no fucking clue what game you're talking about because it doesn't exist... :dunno

and Gyromancer. Being a long time Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords fan, I was really excited to play this one, only to realize that the ball was completely dropped. :crying: