Re: Bernie Madoff Gets 150 Years in Prison
Now, if only we the taxpayer(s) could have the wherewithal to find out about the actual whereabouts of twin tax payer obligations :
A) The
first $350 Billion Dollar lump sum in so called "too big to fail corporate bailout" funds or, as Hank Paulson had coined it ,"liquidity".
B) The
second $350 Billion assumed by the barack obama administration.
OK ? Now that's $700 Billion right there in future debt that the American tax payer has to pay back with interest. The most important thing to make note of is that the government
will not disclose how this money was or will be allocated.
Am I the only one in the world that isn't furious about this ?
Maybe they just gave it to Michael Jackson to hang onto.

Could this have been the world's largest bank heist ?
You bet !