Being 'Sane'

There's definately a lot of truth to that, Phaeton

there are loads of examples in history of behaviour and beliefs that we would probably think a bit crazy now
it's an interesting subject though, because everyone has the potential to lose their sanity, and different people have such hugely different personalities with all kinds of weird eccentricities and behaviour - where is the dividing line ?

I think a lot of that is true. At least today we have scientific processes that try to determine sanity, and what it means to be sane. Although that is still based in part of what everyday people would consider sane, it is still better than what we had before. In the past you could be considered insane just out of somebody else’s religious hysteria. I guess if I had to put a in a short definition I would say sanity is the ability to rationalize situations based on logical and realistic thought. Even that definition probably has some flaws to it.
I wouldn't know, some people think I'm nuts because I work in IT and have an art degree and look like beatnik sometimes,
Most people in IT didn't major anywhere near it.
As far as how you present yourself, people vary on what is acceptable.

I'm a consultant, and I find as a consultant, it doesn't hurt to dress for success.
And it really doesn't cost much more if you know how to shop. ;)
There is a fine line between genius and insanity.

My best friend once told me that I often walk that line (or come close to it anyhow).

I don't think I'm insane. I do think I'm capable of forming rational thought and action. I'm cognizant of surroundings and am capable of abstract thought.

In anycase, if I were insane, I don't think it would matter anyhow. Perception is a big part of "reality".



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I wouldn't know, some people think I'm nuts because I work in IT and have an art degree and look like beatnik sometimes, and are friends with artists, writers and etc. The proper term for me would be eccentric, :nanner:

Oh no, people don't assume that you're 'gay,' or that you're, 'the guy who is going to shoot up the school?'
The ability to determine who you are and what is going on around you.
Values, reason and cognitive thought process.

I am none of those!

Quick response without reading any other post... not having to take meds (unlike me) in order to have a semi-normal life. Normality in itself is questionable, but for those of us who have spent quality time in a hospital to stay alive, normal is what we aren't. :rofl:
Interesting subject, I'm not sure what it means to be sane, as someone else said i think it's a matter of perspective, sometimes sane people do things that society would consider crazy.

The other day a friend and i were talking about sanity and i asked him if someone snaps, do they know they have snapped? and he told me a story about a couple he knows that have a little boy and one night the little boy got up and told them that something 'broke' in his head, and he was never the same after that, I thought that was interesting.
*Sees Doc's reaction and runs into thread*

Hmmmm...the voices...they told me.....come into this thread......find the meaning of all of this....why are they after us...why....WHY.....WHY???????
I've been thinking about this one and it reminds me of a really good short story that I read called the Nightmare Box. Now bear with me on this one....

So there's this guy that owns an antique shop and one of the things he has in there is this little black box that has no openings except for a small glass lens like a peep-hole and two handles on the sides and a button on the top next to a plaque that says "the nightmare box: when ticking stops, grab the handles to complete a circuit. look into the lens and push the button on the side." Well, for as long as he's had it it's never stopped ticking. it just sat on a shelf and ticked for years.

One day the shop owner's son, who has just graduated from law school and is going to become a lawyer, comes in. He notices that the box has stopped ticking, so he does what it says. Afterwards he goes home and goes to bed and the next day he comes down and sits on the sidewalk in front of the shop and watches traffic all day. He does the same thing the next day and the next day and the next day. He never wants to do anything else after that. His father asks him what happened, but he won't tell him.

After a couple months the box stops ticking again and the dad looks inside. the next day they find him hanging dead in the closet with an extension cord wrapped around his neck. Eventually an art gallery owner buys the box and has it on display and a young woman looks into the box. She goes home and cuts her eyelashes off and then removes all of her clothes and walks out in the middle of the night.

The girls's mother does all this research trying to figure out how the box works, because she wants to know what happened to her daughter and because no one will tell what they saw and they apparently go insane afterwards. She tracks the gallery owner down and finds out that moments before he has just looked into the box.

He says, it's impossible to describe what you see. but what it shows you is that everything that you know is wrong. It's like having a curtain suddenly pulled away and revealing what is behind it, which is the real world. The closest thing that I can compare to it was one time when I used to work for an office building and we had this company picnic that I really didn't want to go to. Everyone sat around with thier picnic baskets and talked. At the end, when things were just wrapping down I opened up my basket, which I had stuffed full of white doves. The doves exploded out of the basket and took off into the sky, flying around everywhere and everyone. At first the people were horrified because they didn't know what was happening and it was shocking, but then they just sat and watched all the doves flying around and in that moment they forgot everything else that they had done all day and everything else seemed inconsequential. That is kind of what it's like.

Anyway, the point of the story is that none of the people go insane, they just don't give a shit anymore about all superficial things that everyone else thinks are so important and so no one else can understand anything that they do and it seems totally irrational, because they are the one's that have it all in thier heads. I think that there are probably a good deal of people like that in the real world. I know that i've experienced profound moments like that and that if you were like that all the time, then people would think that you were insane.


Closed Account
I've been thinking about this one and it reminds me of a really good short story that I read called the Nightmare Box. Now bear with me on this one....

So there's this guy that owns an antique shop and one of the things he has in there is this little black box that has no openings except for a small glass lens like a peep-hole and two handles on the sides and a button on the top next to a plaque that says "the nightmare box: when ticking stops, grab the handles to complete a circuit. look into the lens and push the button on the side." Well, for as long as he's had it it's never stopped ticking. it just sat on a shelf and ticked for years.

One day the shop owner's son, who has just graduated from law school and is going to become a lawyer, comes in. He notices that the box has stopped ticking, so he does what it says. Afterwards he goes home and goes to bed and the next day he comes down and sits on the sidewalk in front of the shop and watches traffic all day. He does the same thing the next day and the next day and the next day. He never wants to do anything else after that. His father asks him what happened, but he won't tell him.

After a couple months the box stops ticking again and the dad looks inside. the next day they find him hanging dead in the closet with an extension cord wrapped around his neck. Eventually an art gallery owner buys the box and has it on display and a young woman looks into the box. She goes home and cuts her eyelashes off and then removes all of her clothes and walks out in the middle of the night.

The girls's mother does all this research trying to figure out how the box works, because she wants to know what happened to her daughter and because no one will tell what they saw and they apparently go insane afterwards. She tracks the gallery owner down and finds out that moments before he has just looked into the box.

He says, it's impossible to describe what you see. but what it shows you is that everything that you know is wrong. It's like having a curtain suddenly pulled away and revealing what is behind it, which is the real world. The closest thing that I can compare to it was one time when I used to work for an office building and we had this company picnic that I really didn't want to go to. Everyone sat around with thier picnic baskets and talked. At the end, when things were just wrapping down I opened up my basket, which I had stuffed full of white doves. The doves exploded out of the basket and took off into the sky, flying around everywhere and everyone. At first the people were horrified because they didn't know what was happening and it was shocking, but then they just sat and watched all the doves flying around and in that moment they forgot everything else that they had done all day and everything else seemed inconsequential. That is kind of what it's like.

Anyway, the point of the story is that none of the people go insane, they just don't give a shit anymore about all superficial things that everyone else thinks are so important and so no one else can understand anything that they do and it seems totally irrational, because they are the one's that have it all in thier heads. I think that there are probably a good deal of people like that in the real world. I know that i've experienced profound moments like that and that if you were like that all the time, then people would think that you were insane.

Thank you for the prolonged-effort! :)


Closed Account
Emanating from the, ‘School of Athens,’ Plato was have to reportedly stated that: reality was in conformity with abstractions, that were in existence in a categorical-heaven. Aristotle was of a far differing opinion.

Aristotle was of the view that reality presents itself to us, as gradations of a dimensional-nature.

That is an important intellectual inquiry: ‘reality’ – as we arbitrarily, and somewhat artificially-concoct it, and the deep inquiry of whether, ‘reality,’ exists in dimensional or categorical form.