Being 'Sane'


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If someone, randomly, posed a question to you: ‘what does it mean to be sane?’

What would your quick-response, be? Here is mine:

Rationalizing, and surveying through my mind: to find just-reasoning, and noble-causes for the quests that I embark on. Finding courage, in times when I am timid. Turning desperation, into a quenching fountain: of happiness. Handing the responsibility, and reasoning for my boundless cruelty, and wrath: to a God.

Getting the courage, in transforming my initial ideas: into real action. Seeing morbid curiosity in feelings, and emotions: of horror.
Quick response? Not insane.:D
"Those who dance are thought mad by those who hear not the music."

It's a matter of perspective. One could argue what is sane or not until the cows come home, but in the end, it's more or less decided by a majority vote.
statement: "I think I'm going insane."

reply: "you're not."

statement: "how do you know?"

reply: "because crazy people don't know that they are insane. They think they're getting saner."
I'm sane it's the rest of you fuckers who are crazy! :rofl:


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This is more important, anyway, it is still 'cute' that you have replied here: even if you are a 300 pound, male, metal-head. :rofl: :lovecoupl

All geniuses seemingly, are madmen in the sense that both interpret reality by method of deconstruction. The genius is proficient at finding new organizing principles underlying the chaos. The madman’s world dissolves into an incomprehensible and ominously unpredictable barrage of stimuli. While the madman resorts to irrationality, paranoia, or delusions in an effort to reestablish order on his disintegrating psyche the genius invents music, art, and science - new patterns which infuse his no less capricious universe with patterns and beauty.

The genius and the madman interpret the world by way of deconstructing it. Both are unable to assimilate customary modes of interaction: "seeing", "feeling", or "thinking".
Most people here think I'm insane. ;)
I fully expect to be committed at some point in my future.
You follow the majority and do as your told.

There's definately a lot of truth to that, Phaeton

there are loads of examples in history of behaviour and beliefs that we would probably think a bit crazy now
it's an interesting subject though, because everyone has the potential to lose their sanity, and different people have such hugely different personalities with all kinds of weird eccentricities and behaviour - where is the dividing line ?


It's good to be the king...
I think...therefore I am
I wouldn't know, some people think I'm nuts because I work in IT and have an art degree and look like beatnik sometimes, and are friends with artists, writers and etc. The proper term for me would be eccentric, :nanner: