Actually, these past week, those who humiliated themlselves are the one who equivocated the nazis and the antifas. Because only one of these two groups had one of their guys kill someone from the other side.
Those who humiliated themslves are those who want to protect the memory of a bunch or pro-slavery traitors, of people who thought against the US.
That part of History shouldn' be erased, it should be taught to every kids how these gus choosed to betray their country to keep their right to own slaves. But, it should NEVER be celebrated. Thse people should never be described as American hero because they are the exact opposite : they are traitors who coosed to fought against America.
Robert E Lee doesn' belongs with Georges Washington, Thomas Jefferson and certainly not alonside Abrahaml Lincoln (who he thought against). They belong with King Georges III and John W. Booth
That "traitor" Robert E. Lee was beyond heroic during the Mexican American War.
Lee could not bring himself to take up arms against his native Virginia. During that time states rights were first and foremost.
Antifa are communists, they have far more in common with Nazis than I do and should be held just as accountable.
As usual, you stick your ignorance out there for all to see.