LOL...."kiss my ass". Wow....strong. And yeah, I'm way less of a man for sharing that personal story. I feel like a fucking eunuch.
OK, BC. One more time just for the record. Please read this very carefully and try to understand, OK? I know you're a lawyer so this is probably really complicated for you but please try to stay with me. Pardon me because this is a serious run-on sentence but for the sake of totality I'm gonna do it anyway so here goes....a big deep breath.....
The fact that you refuse to denounce President Trump's false stated claim that there were "many fine people" marching side-by-side with self-proclaimed white supremacists, skinheads, neo-nazis, nazis and KKK members that led to the interpretation by those same groups that the president was giving a wink to them that he was really in agreement with their way of thinking in addition to your stubborn and steadfast vocal (well, written but....) support of same is therefore tantamount to being in support of racist beliefs which is tantamount to being a racist. can call me names, insult me personally, try to bully me, order me to do or prove things to you, accuse me, bring my wife and my workshop (it's not just a fucking shed, OK??!!) into the discussion, attempt to emasculate me, change the subject, bear false witness against me, play the role of Dracula to animus' Renfied or stand on your bloody head and spit fucking nickels....all the same tactics for which you have become a veritable FreeOnes legend (except the stuff about standing on your head and spitting nickels. I just made that up)....I DON'T CARE. None of it diverts from the veracity of the facts contained in the above run-on sentence. Now, were you to somehow suddenly and miraculously to regain you sense of reason and human decency and admit that Trump was indeed in the wrong when he made those claims and denounce them for the damned-near world-wide universal discredit and disdain they have received then perhaps I would be willing to reconsider my steadfast conviction but until or unless that occurs (another run-on sentence, sorry) you need to be capable of understanding that I stand by my assertion and just SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.
I don't need to prove a fucking thing to you or anyone else about this. You've already shown who you are and to pretend you're not says more about your lack of character than I can fathom. Just own up to it. You're a racist.