Back in Netherlands again!

I hope this comes out

dank nightfly u het beste bent!!!!!:hatsoff:
terri en bobbi...yum yum!!!!

beste lesbische beelden ooit!!!!!:)
I don't know what I just said either so bobbi you are not the only one who does not know what he/she said...lmao xoxo
now, I'm just curious bobbi and terri, does every man's cum taste different just like every girl's pussy tastes different? Obviously, i have NO interest in finding out myself so I have to ask you two.
lmao Websurfer, that is kinda a dumb question (no disrespect)...

As I have heard from women, unless a guy has some weird biological "issue" or has some odd diet, it's all pretty standard, just like with a woman.

Women pretty much all taste the same (some have their unique "flavor"), unless they have some biological or hygiene thing going on. LOL

What makes it BEST (eating pussy) is when I woman is fastidious in her hygiene and she uses lotion and/or powder... I could eat it for HOURS when it smells and tastes sweet... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :nanner:
np nightfly,that's what I thought myself. The pussies I have taste taste different and I know has to do with their hygiene and maybe food I was wondering if it is the same with cum but then again I have no idea why I asked that maybe it's because I am dizzy trying to speak or write anyways did I say them correctly???? or probably i want to know terri or bobbi's thought on it???:rolleyes: whatever...lmao
I guess what i'm trying to find out is...are the pornstars you have had scenes with more conscious of their hygiene and diet before they do scenes with you guys??
u bent welkome nightfly
I LOVE Dutch. Such a cool language. I am "tainted," though, because I learned Flemish. lol And before it happens -- NO FLEMISH-BASHING allowed by the Dutch people here...LOL :hatsoff: :nanner: :bowdown:

Bobbi Eden

Official Checked Star Member
Ik kom oorspronkelijk uit Den Haag, Maar woon nu al een paar jaar in het noorden. :)

kus Bobbi

lars2 said:
waar vandaan kom je dan bobbi ?

Bobbi Eden

Official Checked Star Member


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You dont know half how naughty and horny I am ,.. lol

Kisses Babe XXX Bobbi Eden [/B][/QUOTE]

I'd be willing to volunteer my services in a heartbeat my dear! LOL :nannerf1: