Avatar star Sam Worthington tipped as next James Bond

I cant see it happening, I was dubious of daniel Craig, but he pulled it off.

After avatar and terminator salvation.....hes not a bond actor. Good, but not bond material.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I'm very bored with Sam Worthington. Terminator, Clash, that Avatar garbage. Enough already. Flavor of the month... I like the gritty nature of Daniel Craig. Someone should tell those idiot producers, when you constantly go changing Bond's, it's god damn annoying.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
It's never too late for Lazenby!
Why not just give the job to Megan Fox? That's what the public wants right? A James Bond that can get an erection to without making those around them feel awkward when you start dry humping the chair in front of you.

Damn you society and your laws!


Er, SIR Roger Moore was the best Bond!

Will Smith?!? Johnny Depp?!? Either of these would be fucking awful. & Bond should NOT be played by a yank!!

I really don't give a fuck either way. I think only Brits care about Bond now.

Will Smith or Johnny Depp are both better than Roger Moore is, if he isn't dead that is.
Craig isn't going anywhere.

And if he does end up not doing it...the only person for Bond is...

Jason Isaacs!!!


Another pic of Jason to replace the one that got bumped off.


He's the guy I wanted for the role as soon as I heard Brosnan wasn't doing it again.

They should keep Daniel Craig until he hits 50 or 52.
Bond should not be in his late 20's or early 30's. Late 30's early 40's is just right to start over as they did with Casino Royale. Craig is just fine. :2 cents: