Avatar star Sam Worthington tipped as next James Bond

I agree--Diamonds Are Forever is the single worst Bond film and the master copy should be tossed in the fire. It's too awful to save.

The old Casino Royale, if that's what you mean, was not a Bond film but a parody so I don't count it.

Bond films should reflect the "realistic" text/character that Ian Fleming originally created. How was the latest "Casino Royale" unrealistic? The events in that movie could happen, realistically.

Bond films take place in the "contemporary world" with contemporary technology (for the most part) with people speaking Earth languages. It seems intentional realistic to me :dunno: It's action/spy genre. We don't want aliens or mythological creatures in the Bond world do we?
No I mean the new Casino Royale: AKA The Bond Identity. & who said anything about being realistic? The issue was relevancy.
Brosnan seemed too "pretty" to be believable as an ex-commando type, though I found his movies were entertaining and the comic aspects were pretty nice. Daniel Craig was believable as some sort of ex-commando moving on to the secret service type. He did a VERY good job IMMHO as the new Bond and I'm sure he'll do an excellent job in any future Bond movies he's cast, as long as the script is good. He sort of reminded me of a Connery type of Bond, a look that says "I can kick your ass all day" and not too much of a pretty boy. Worthington, I'm not too impressed, with what I've seen from him so far doesn't seem to be a Bond type, looks a bit too young.
The worst 007 movie is Diamonds Are Forever.
& since when have the movies needed to be relevant? In what way was Casino Royale relevant? If you mean that it just copied a popular action movie trend then yes Bond is relevant again. . .

The kind of escapism that Bond movies deliver is usually built on a realistic platform. That realism needs to be relevant. From Russia With Love and Thunderball seemed realistic enough to me for a 60s audience and today.

Maybe you and 5 others would want to see Cold War Bond re-done in 2010 and beyond?

I don't think they copied a trend with Casino Royale or Quantum Solace. I think "they" are doing their own thing now. The Bourne franchise feels nothing like Bond to me. It's totally different.
Only on pure acting talent, not on "Bondness," no way.

I thought Sean Bean should've been in the running for Bond at some point.
roger moore was fucking TERRIBLE as bond. Connery>Moore<Brosnan=craig

worthington would kill bond for me. ive been an avid fan since the first time i saw Dr. No as a kid, just like i was with star wars. Craigs gonna keep the job for a while. i know it


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Only on pure acting talent, not on "Bondness," no way.


As someone who has read the books, I can tell you that Dalton was a much better Bond than anyone else. He was Daniel Craig before everyone jumped on the Daniel Craig bandwagon.

^I thought Sean Bean should've been in the running for Bond at some point.

As a matter of fact, he was in the running before GoldenEye. Of course, they went with Brosnan, and Bean instead became 006.