Attack of the show (and other g4tv shows)

I liked her up until around 2004
Am I the only one that thinks Morgan Webb is a bit manly? She's got broad shoulders and a very man-ish face...

Man-ish? I'll agree her shoulders are quite broad but man-ish? No! She is quite lovely and has a great personality. I could definatly hang with her.

Speaking of broad shoulders.. What about Jessica Biel in The Texas Chainsaw

This is weird; responding to your post about a post from another thread, but so be it. I'm pretty sure Haislip ain't going anywhere. A supporting role in an Andy Dick comedy isn't gonna launch any stars. But regardless, I hope they don't use her OR Underwood to replace Munn. I'd love to see Morgan Webb take the spot, but I don't see that happening.

All I know is that I don't always watch, but if Haislip or Hardwick's hosting, I always change the channel.

This is weird; responding to your post about a post from another thread, but so be it. I'm pretty sure Haislip ain't going anywhere. A supporting role in an Andy Dick comedy isn't gonna launch any stars. But regardless, I hope they don't use her OR Underwood to replace Munn. I'd love to see Morgan Webb take the spot, but I don't see that happening.

All I know is that I don't always watch, but if Haislip or Hardwick's hosting, I always change the channel.

I doubt Munn will go anywhere. She dosen't have enough exposure yet to really do anything. Give it another year or 2 and a few more movies. She may be gone from hosting for awhile but she will be back. Webb has her own thing the next logical replecment is either Haislip or Underwood.