assault weapons ban!!

What am I to do when the police take 20 minutes to respond to a call at my house when I'm outgunned and outnumbered?

Just a thought...
You cant even own an m-16 right now, and an m-4 ar-15 makes a great defense weapon with the right rounds in it. and yes I do have the right to shoot somone and kill them because I wouldn't try and wound "you shoot until the threat is eliminated" I you shoot at somone you better intend on killing them. you cant count on the police being there when you need them all the time, I know a shit load of cops and they are all against the ban and very much for ccw. people that think that the police are cure all's are very nieve.

Local bar over here had a sign on the premicise stating "This property bans guns." They got robbed at gun point by two criminals and the next week the sign was GONE. True story and I can probably even dig up a link if any of you want me to.
as I said before banning the guns is not a solution

100% correct. this is somthing i came across.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Another example of socialist losers
Canadian liberals are about to get trounced in the upcoming election (recent polls are saying there is a 13 point margin). And what do you think the issues are that are getting them in so much trouble? Health care and gun control!

Among the main policy differences is health care reform. The Tories want to allow for public and private health care provision, and, along with the Liberals, have pledged to shorten waiting times. The Liberals and the NDP have vowed to stop any privatisation of the system.

On gun control, the Liberals have promised to move towards a ban on handguns, which are already tightly regulated, and consider tightening gun crime laws.

Handguns have been essentially banned in Canada for decades. And in the last few years spent nearly two billion dollars on registration of all guns. And what is the result? The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has the scoop on that:


For Immediate Release: January 17, 2006

BELLEVUE, WA – Canada's billion-dollar boondoggle – the national gun registration scheme – has proven itself an abysmal failure, as that country's violent crime rates are double those reported in the United States, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) noted today.

"We looked at violent crime rates per 100,000 population in both countries, using the most recent available data," said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, "and we were not surprised at what we found. Since Canada started this ridiculous and costly program, violent crime has gone up dramatically, at the same time that crime in the United States has declined. Yet, there are people in the states who think Canada's gun legislation should be the model for America.

"By comparing the data," he detailed, "we found that the violent crime rate in the United States was 475 per 100,000 population, while up north, there were 963 violent crimes per 100,000 population. The figure for sexual assault in Canada per 100,000 population is more than double that of the United States, 74 as opposed to 32.1, and the assault rate in Canada is also more than twice that of the states, 746 to our 295 for the population rate."

Noted CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron: "What happened in the states to actually contribute to a reduction in our overall crime rate is simple. We've got 38 states with shall-issue, right-to-carry concealed handgun laws. While Canada has clamped down on its citizens' gun rights, our citizens have been empowered against criminals by passage of these laws. The disparity in crime rates between the two countries says it all about how well gun registration works to stop crime, as opposed to actually carrying guns to deter criminals, and fight back if necessary."

A Jan. 3 story in Canada's National Post by writer David Frum confirmed CCRKBA's independent finding. Frum wrote, "Canada's overall crime rate is now 50% higher than the crime rate in the United States." Later, Frum added: "Gun registries and gun bans…do not work."

"Instead of promising to ban legally-owned handguns in Canada," Waldron observed, "Prime Minister Paul Martin should be urging citizens to arm themselves. He should encourage Parliament to scrap gun registration and replace it with a gun ownership and training program."

"Since going on the warpath against guns, Canada's Liberals have presided over the sharpest rise in violent crime in the nation's history," Gottlieb said. "There are more rapes, more robberies and more murders. If that tells Canadian citizens anything at all, it's that Paul Martin and his Liberals have literally been ‘dead wrong' on guns."

What is it called when you keep trying the same thing over and over expecting a different result? Yeah, that's right, it's called insanity. Socialism and gun control have been shown again, and again, and again, to be the tools of tyrants and cost hundreds of millions of lives. Won't people ever face reality?

this is where i got it from.,date,2006-01-18.aspx
Since when does fear ...

What is it called when you keep trying the same thing over and over expecting a different result? Yeah, that's right, it's called insanity. Socialism and gun control have been shown again, and again, and again, to be the tools of tyrants and cost hundreds of millions of lives. Won't people ever face reality?
Since when does fear ever drive logic?

I've completely given up on people who don't respect the 2nd Amendment. You can argue all you want about the aspects of personal protection and the deterrent of crime, people will bark back things not even remotely related. Why? Because they "just don't get it."

They typically don't until you just start showing them historical debates, but don't tell them they are from the 18th century. Some of these people will argue how it no longer applies and not what the founding fathers intended -- until you show them they are the debates of Benjamin Franklin and others. ;)
I think this rampage that happened at VT yesterday will get this bill through. Call me crazy, but hell, we might lose ALL our rights to bear arms after this little stunt. :mad:
Not the worst incident ...

I think this rampage that happened at VT yesterday will get this bill through. Call me crazy, but hell, we might lose ALL our rights to bear arms after this little stunt. :mad:
Nah, it's not the worst incident. Some media outlets were careful to qualify that, just like after Columbine as well. Other media outlets didn't bother doing their research, and assumed it was the worst ever.
Re: Not the worst incident ...

Nah, it's not the worst incident. Some media outlets were careful to qualify that, just like after Columbine as well. Other media outlets didn't bother doing their research, and assumed it was the worst ever.

What was the worst incident? I could not find a worst shooting incident or even one that comes close to the number of dead.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I think this rampage that happened at VT yesterday will get this bill through. Call me crazy, but hell, we might lose ALL our rights to bear arms after this little stunt. :mad:

They might apply some laws, but changing the 2nd is a pretty hard thing to do.
Out here in California, one a-hole is trying to pass a law making a person go through a instant background check to buy any pistol ammo.
What a jerk. That would raise cost, put more money in the states pocket because I know that wouldn't be free.
Looks like I'm going to Arizona for my ammo from now on either that or learning how to reload.


Why is this even a debate? Anti-gun control and pro-gun control lobbyists are creating a permanent give and take situation. There will never be laws that encompass strictly anti-gun control views, and vice versa. It all comes down to personal choice. Nobody can stop you from carrying a concealed weapon on a daily basis. Unless you're in a situation where they have metal detectors and make you empty your pockets. So it's each person's individual choice whether or not to carry a weapon. It doesn't matter what laws are there or not. There are always going to be people breaking the law, because there aren't enough police to enforce a strict ban...and people would have a coronary about their privacy being violated. So, it's your choice, plain and simple.


Staff member
Why is this even a debate? Anti-gun control and pro-gun control lobbyists are creating a permanent give and take situation. There will never be laws that encompass strictly anti-gun control views, and vice versa. It all comes down to personal choice. Nobody can stop you from carrying a concealed weapon on a daily basis. Unless you're in a situation where they have metal detectors and make you empty your pockets. So it's each person's individual choice whether or not to carry a weapon. It doesn't matter what laws are there or not. There are always going to be people breaking the law, because there aren't enough police to enforce a strict ban...and people would have a coronary about their privacy being violated. So, it's your choice, plain and simple.

that is absolutely true :yesyes:
Why is this even a debate? Anti-gun control and pro-gun control lobbyists are creating a permanent give and take situation. There will never be laws that encompass strictly anti-gun control views, and vice versa. It all comes down to personal choice. Nobody can stop you from carrying a concealed weapon on a daily basis. Unless you're in a situation where they have metal detectors and make you empty your pockets. So it's each person's individual choice whether or not to carry a weapon. It doesn't matter what laws are there or not. There are always going to be people breaking the law, because there aren't enough police to enforce a strict ban...and people would have a coronary about their privacy being violated. So, it's your choice, plain and simple.

It's your duty, I think. I still expect to see a terrorist attack worse than 9-11 on US soil in my life. I wouldn't be surpised if it is something very similar to what happened the other day at VT. Have a couple terrorists go to couple hundred campuses nation wide and set bombs off and blow people away, Our borders are just too pourous, and I just don't think people woke up enough after the unthinkable on 9-11. Either that, or we really aren't free, and the government is listening to all of us in everything we do...of course, that would keep us free. It would'nt surprise me after the Patriot Act if I found out that in fact I was'nt free anymore and that's why we haven't been attacked.
On Saturday, October 16, 1991, Hupp and her parents were having lunch at the Luby's in Killeen. She had left her handgun in her car to comply with Texas state law at the time which forbade carrying a concealed weapon. When George Hennard drove his truck into the cafeteria and opened fire on the patrons, Hupp instinctively reached into her purse for her weapon, but it was in her vehicle.
Re: Not the worst incident ...

Nah, it's not the worst incident. Some media outlets were careful to qualify that, just like after Columbine as well. Other media outlets didn't bother doing their research, and assumed it was the worst ever.

So what is the worst ever? Come on Prof you say you know but don't give details, what are you trying to hide?
I will never understand how guns are blamed for idiots' actions.

We all know guns are not dangerous but put them in the hands of nutters and they become dangerous. So the best way to keep them out of nutters hands is to ban them...well thats the thinking but does it work?