I can't wait until October, got mine pre-ordered. I think I've mentioned a few times when Brotherhood and Revelations were in development and released that the game I really wanted was Assassin's Creed III.
I got bored of the first game and subsequently haven't even bothered with the others,but I must say,this shit looks pretty damn good.I might give it a try.
out of all the reports on this situation, nowhere do they mention that Ubisoft even knew anything of this book. if no one from Ubi knew the existence of this book, maybe it will help them.
It could also be pointed out that so many fictional stories have been created by humanity in it’s history it's virtually impossible to make something new that doesn't at least bear some resemblance to something else out there.
Yeah, action takes part in the USA, during the most important events for the american people. The game is still amazing but there are some little mistakes, too big for a game of this quality. It's a pity they didn't set the game on the XVIIth century, i was waiting for a french adventure or something similar (The sun king, Richelieu,...), but the independence war is good. Wonder what will be te next (Far West?)
It could also be pointed out that so many fictional stories have been created by humanity in it’s history it's virtually impossible to make something new that doesn't at least bear some resemblance to something else out there.
Thanks for the link, I'm always interested in law regarding games as I studied it at college. Assassins Creed III is going to be amazing though can't wait!