This intrigues me, cos I don't get that vibe at all. You seem fun, quite level headed and down to earth. Plus you sound like a bit of a sex kitten hehe. So what makes you a shitty gf? Am I wrong in my perception? lol
Yes, I'm very laid back and down to earth but I'm also somewhat dominating, which I find clashes with most guys basic instincts. I NEED to "wear the pants" in my relationships, and I'm almost too honest in relationships (ie. if you look like shit, I'll tell you. If you act like a dumbass, I'll tell you.) ...every guy I've been with hated that side to my personality. I'm a bit controlling not abusive controlling, but I like things done a certain way in my house...I expect certain things and most guys see that as controlling I guess, but I see it as just demanding respect. I dunno. I just suck. haha. When I was younger, I tried to change who I was to try to make things work but as I got older, and especially in my last relationship, I realized I kinda have to embrace who I am and be authentic otherwise I"ll NEVER find a guy who I can mesh with. So...yeah. I think I have alot of really great qualities, but my negative qualities are just really hard to deal with, so I'm not optimistic that any guy can handle me. I just have a dominating personality...never submissive in any area. My dad always warned the guys I brought home to go the other way because I was a bitch lol.
I'm sad you didn't win any of the categories for miss freeones. It's a travesty.
Who do you blame? I blame PlasmaTwa. Let's lynch him.
Yeah I'm kinda bummed too but what are ya gonna do right? lol. I guess it was a long shot, seeing as I'm not a pornstar, or even am well known/have a huge following. Like I've said, I'm just a silly camgirl. But there's always next year right?
No one to blame but myself really, I didn't campaign like most of the girls did by posting content, or offering extra goodies (aside from the sybian show I was gonna do if I won lol) but yeah...the girls who won deserve it. They're hot, and have huge followings.
Well, I'm bummed that you didn't bring home two specific awards. I hope you finished in the Top 3 in everything. Maybe they'll post the "official" results someday. You're on the rise, Spexy. :thumbsup:
I saw the final standings when the results were posted...not sure if they were legit, but the highest I placed in any category was 8th. :/ But this year is my year I think...I'm excited about all the things I'll be working on and hope that next year I can do better
I'm proud of how well I did this year, didn't think I'd even make it past the first round!
Watch any good movies lately?
If you were almighty, which thing about the world would you change/retain?
I haven't seen anything really lately...I went to the new Harry Potter movie that just came out but I'm not really a Harry Potter fan, just went with my gf who begged me to go with her lol. Other than that, no, haven't seen anything really. I don't watch movies really, only go to one or two a year and never rent. Not much time to watch movies in SpexyLand. But I do want to go see Black Swan, I heard its amazing.
If I could change anything about the world, I'd give every orphaned child a mommy and daddy to love them. I'm very very passionate about adoption, particularly in countries where children are sold and forced into the sex and drug trades...I hurt for them. I wish more people in industrialized countries would consider adoption as a viable way to have a child...millions of children are given zero chances in life and thats sad. We're already overpopulated, lets give a worthy child a chance to live and have opportunties instead of pro-creating more kids who'll never appreciate how good life is here.
Why the name SpexyAshleigh? instead of SexyAshleigh? I don't notice you wearing glasses.
Spexy is my word for Sexy. Every camgirl uses the word sexy in their name...SexySarah, SexyJane etc etc. I wanted to be different, because I feel that I AM different than alot of camgirls. I've always used the word spexy, so I used that with my name instead. I do wear glasses but that had nothing to do with my name though...but most people assume that it does haha. But yeah, spexy is just my word for sexy. Kinda like smexy, but spexy lol