On here I have. On forums that aren't even about porn I have. On my cell from some ass that took my number out of a males friends phone, I have. Random emails form people I don't know because friends that included me in a list of people they sent something else too. I have.
Oh my fav though was the day I was out for a walk and this guy in a trench was flashing females that were walking alone. He was really disappointing I laughed at him. I may have been mean that way.
At the moment nothing. We are in a bit of debt. Having a house sucks sometimes. I use to buy porcelain dolls, key chains, coins/stamps and cool looking decks of cards. Which are all in boxes with the hope of someday being on display.
A cousin. I'm not really looking forward to it. Hubby can't come he has a conference to be at all day. Though if it ends before not to late he can at least make it to dance with me.