Ask me (Alisa) ALMOST anything

i seem to remember you liking silly jokes...i could be wrong but here goes:

why do clams live alone?
because they're shellfish

what'd you think?

I do like corny jokes and that one is cute.

Drink any cocktails? Any recommendations? :tongue:

I'm a beer, rum n coke and tequila kinda girl. Though i didn't mind the pornstar my friend bought me in a bar.

What do you think of the voice acting in Metal Gear Solid?

I'm willing to show you some examples if you need it.

Yes a few examples. It's been a while.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND

do you think life would lose meaning if we could live forever?

Yes if we knew we could live forever there would be no reason to push to learn or do things as we would have all the time in the world.

Can I borrow your tits? I'm trying to quit smoking this weekend and I will need something to do with my hands...

No sorry I don't think hubby would approve. You can do it just play video games all weekend :)