I had to take my site down. When I did I told the people at freeones that I was removing my site entirely from the web so they took the content they had down. There is still some out there its just hard to find. I still hate having had to take it down but I had to make one hell of a hard choice.
I have no idea. The way things are going I'm going to be starting a new business. Would anyone want a former Porn chick to come in and clean their house or appartment?
As a business though I think I'll drop the porn chick part dont want to piss off wives. I use to work for someone else doing it but they pay shit so I'm just going to do it on my own.
I'd rather be opening the site again too but it isn't possible in the now so I figured I should be doing something I at least don't hate doing so Maid service it is.
I don't I look at 'old' as a state of mind. I've met some 20 year olds I thought were old and some 60 year olds that were far from being old. Heck my grandfather just turned 90 and he can still keep pace with most of us. It's all about how you take care of yourself.
I don't know. They never look as good if you don't see them on the big screen and I almost never have time to see a movie so I don't look forward to much that way anymore.