Bloody 'ell! They can't win can they these immigrants! Either its a problem that they are coming over here to settle & take our jobs or its a problem that they come over here for a little while to work then return to their country of origin! :dunno:
We Brits did a similar thing back in the early 80s when there was little work here for manual labourers & they went to what was then Western Germany with no attempts & settling in etc. Well, apart from a bit of slap & tickle with the local frauleins! Wait a minute, HeLovesPorn may be onto something with his German bird theory!
My parents were immigrants themselves (60s) and I feel that generation integrated well into society. The more recent immigration is different as you just get too many people exploiting the system, these agencies employ these immigrants for lower than min wage (after their 'fee') and then provide workers for everything from road cleaners to hospital staff so pretty much no one else has a chance to apply for these jobs, I'd rather give the unemployed of this country a chance for these jobs (many made redundant with mortgages will take anything) or make those on long term benefits take them. Also way too many undesirables and gangsters come here and bring their illegal activity with them, living in east london i see a lot first hand. The romanians and bulgarians have their 'begging' rackets and then there's the sex industry and i've seen lots of brothels closed down recently in houses rented to eastern europeans. I simply think the government needs to be more careful about who's let in. My uncles (builder) Polish labourer has been arrested three times for either being drunk or beating up his wife and they've still given him a chance saying next time he'll end up in prison, the guy just laughs saying if he was in Poland he'd be locked up by now or the police would've beat the shit out of him. And out of all the Poles my uncle knows he's one of the more stable ones