Are there any Military guys here?

He certainly isn't a martyr. A martyr I thought suffers for a cause. I see a person that reaps all the wonderful benefits this country affords us all, has a career in music he can actively pursue as others continue to die daily to protect his right to do just that. Is not in the military protecting us, he is here drop kicking the military. As I said "I hate war" just as much as anyone and I am not glorifying it. It sucks, but I won't talk the military down.

a martyr does suffer for a cause. its just that sometimes fox sounds like he wants to be one. ;)

also, i will never bad mouth the military either. i dont see how one can.


Closed Account
a martyr does suffer for a cause. its just that sometimes fox sounds like he wants to be one. ;)

also, i will never bad mouth the military either. i dont see how one can.

I knew what you meant really, I just used it as a opening to make a few points. ;)

Well, I never had to watch soldiers on my home streets either - but I do know people who have, and I've been to a couple of places where that was the case.

But where I'm from - in England, Oxford specifically, if a kid came to school and was wearing fatigues, or said support our troops in class, etc, he would have been unpopular - the teachers were all anti-military save for one or two - the parents mostly were - the kids mostly were - the people in pubs were (more than they are now) - the people in general, didn't go on about their military, didn't think of soldiers too highly at all (it was thought of as something that troublemaking lads went off to do instead of ending up in prison, not as "serving us and our freedom"), so I grew up thinking it was normal not to like the military - ours or anyone else's. The horrors of London being bombed were still fresh in the minds of our grandparents, we all wanted to avoid war at all costs. Europe in general is like that.

Most countries I have ever been to had similar feelings about guns, fatigues, soldiers in general. America is by far the most military-supporting, war-happy nation I have ever been to.


You English? Not really. It would be like saying that I am Japanese when it is not the case. In France some teachers I had were leftists who were all anti war pinkos who had not understood that you don't solve problems by only making compromises but by making wars. Not in all countries, people dislike the miltary, guns or soldiers. Only people living in utopia or who are blind leftists hate/dislike anything related to weapons/army/soldiers and will never understand the sense of sacrifice. America accepted you despite you are mudslinging it all the time, so quit whining.
It is wrapped up in patriotism and glory and the facade of protection but when I read "I'm in the military" I still read "I am someone that is paid to kill for my country", and I don't think in the modern age anyone in the western world needs to be killing anyone for their country: I see it as murder - I'm sorry.
In your highly vaunted and valued opinion of course!

Ladies and gentlemen,

Reverend ********** would of course pass judgement on sundry topics which don't bear upon his person directly, but which might show an opening for him to spout more of his 'personal opinions on politics' of course!

Such as:

The sole reason I don't blame soldiers personally
One minute you call us "murderers" and the next minute you say 'I don't blame soldiers personally' ????

Which is it, Reverend??

If you DON'T fucking blame soldiers "personally" - then why the FUCK are you ranting on in a thread that simply wants to know "if there are any military guys in here?"

I apologise for the profanity, Reverend.
No problem, Guv'nor* :thumbsup: I really don't blame soldiers personally, but how can you speak out against the military without seeming to attack them personally. It is their career and the concept of the military that I take offence to, not their individual persons. Just like I take offence to (many) politicians, (most) government agents and (some) lawyers. They carry a gun and kill for their country on request without question. Regardless of national allegiance, it is against basically all that I believe in.

As I said, there will be no more ranting unless people still want to continue debating military politics on this thread, which is something I find it difficult to walk away from, given that I am so passionately anti-military.


*Guvnor is a term of respect used in London slang, not an insult, in case anyone misconstrued it. If I'm the Reverend though, where are my converted masses? :crying:

Your way of caricaturizing politicians and make of them monsters is laughable and immature. I bet you don't have a single parcel of respect for those freed the europe of nazism if you are that anti military. The concept of military is based on the concept of honor, bravery, duty and courage something the hippie pinko leftist dreamer concept never teaches and has never known.
Your way of demonizing guns is also laughable. I can't change your mind and I know it won't be possible to do so.
Your way of caricaturizing politicians and make of them monsters is laughable and immature. I bet you don't have a single parcel of respect for those freed the europe of nazism if you are that anti military. The concept of military is based on the concept of honor, bravery, duty and courage something the hippie pinko leftist dreamer concept never teaches and has never known.
Your way of demonizing guns is also laughable. I can't change your mind and I know it won't be possible to do so.



Your way of caricaturizing politicians and make of them monsters is laughable and immature. I bet you don't have a single parcel of respect for those freed the europe of nazism if you are that anti military. The concept of military is based on the concept of honor, bravery, duty and courage something the hippie pinko leftist dreamer concept never teaches and has never known.
Your way of demonizing guns is also laughable. I can't change your mind and I know it won't be possible to do so.

There ya go...!
Besides continuing to post after declaring he was finally through mega-posting severely off-topic non-welcome drivel in a thread for military members and veterans, just the rudeness of forcing members trying to have a specific conversation to wade through or ignore the continuous self-declared manifesto of a noninvolved fanatic in love with the sound of his own words speaks for spite of pretty much being clearly not "welcome" in the discussion, he has forced all of us to endure his insults and off-topic meanderings or leave the discussion in disgust.
Some don't really get "freedom", where you are free to have respect and good manners...or not. Try NOT sharing sometimes, quite often there is no need to hear your opinion on everything.
I know that it's not gonna happen, but hope springs eternal!
There ya go...!
Besides continuing to post after declaring he was finally through mega-posting severely off-topic non-welcome drivel in a thread for military members and veterans, just the rudeness of forcing members trying to have a specific conversation to wade through or ignore the continuous self-declared manifesto of a noninvolved fanatic in love with the sound of his own words speaks for spite of pretty much being clearly not "welcome" in the discussion, he has forced all of us to endure his insults and off-topic meanderings or leave the discussion in disgust.
Some don't really get "freedom", where you are free to have respect and good manners...or not. Try NOT sharing sometimes, quite often there is no need to hear your opinion on everything.
I know that it's not gonna happen, but hope springs eternal!

I think he is living in utopia. And utopians are not people that have sense of duty nor sense of responsability for their words.
You're right in calling all of your posts 'opinions.' You have no official record of proof hat states the U.S. military has 'the most immoral and inhumane' record of the past century.... nor do you hold any proof that other nations have a 'balanced' view of their military.

People love or hate the military of their nation. If more people support it than not, thats not a national problem....

Tony Blair put it nicely recently... that the only two people to ever die for others willingly and without question were Jesus Christ, and the American G.I.

I dont know what else to tell you.... reminds me of the San Francisco Assemblyman who supported abolishing the Armed Forces


Closed Account
Its really sad, but its the same with the Police Force. Everybody wants to cut on Police Officers and talks trash until they need one. *rolls eyes*
Maybe we should just start another thread titled : "Military members check in here. All others please post into the countless civilian threads because nobody asked for your opinion" And then maybe a mod could police the unwanted traffic. Pretend the non-military posts are pictures from another site or something...
Abolish the armed forces of any nation, and you'll be in a world of hurt.

Militaries and war have existed since the first days of man, nothing will change that, nothing can change that, and nothing any man will ever do in the future will ever change that. That's fact.... as long as there is life on this planet, people will disagree and go to war.

You still haven't proved anything in terms of your statements that other nations have a balanced view of their militaries, nor have you proved that the U.S. leads the world with a terrible military record. Considering we did plenty of good for your people and the people of Europe twice in the first half of the 20th century, I wouldn't be too quick to stamp out the flame of the U.S. armed forces. Especially since it was largely Britain's fault that World War II started in the first place.

I still dont see how you can look at every man in the armed forces and hold them all responsible for the war, or for 'killing' for a false cause. I really cannot look at an Army Policeman or a Boilerman in the engine room of an Aircraft Carrier and decide that they are bad people simply for doing what millions and millions of men have done for hundreds of years in this nation alone.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Oh shit, how did I miss this thread!! US Army...3 years. 25th Infantry Division, Hawaii. Wheeler Army Airfield. Would've stayed in longer but didn't want to fight for another country's civil war. If things go the way of the Democrats, I may rejoin in a year or so. I do miss the Army. Hooah!!!
Oh shit, how did I miss this thread!! US Army...3 years. 25th Infantry Division, Hawaii. Wheeler Army Airfield. Would've stayed in longer but didn't want to fight for another country's civil war. If things go the way of the Democrats, I may rejoin in a year or so. I do miss the Army. Hooah!!!
Actually, the Ex-CIA Chief's most recent speaking engagement at his Alma Mater, Yale, was quite enlightening.

He's saying what neither the Democrats nor Republicans would say. And that Americans should have been told this is a 50 year conflict and we either need to sacrifice one way or another. It's the first war we've been funding both sides since the Civil War. And the sacrifice in leaving everything, including our Allies and their strategic interests behind, starts with Americans looking at themselves in the mirror every time they fill up.

Very, very interesting. I'll be the first to say military service in the US is about giving yourselves up to secure our strategic interests and those of our Allies, and that's a conflict in itself at times. Thank you for serving. I don't know if I could today.