Are there any Military guys here?


what makes you think for one sec that what we are doing over there is unnecessary....? Have you been there or are you making the call to go... no so why say its not necessary. You don't have a clue!

I have been there and I am telling you we need to be there. We have done alot of good there and still are.... you and people like you must thing nobody dies in war. People die... that don't make it not right to be there.

You just said that everybody that lost there life in war was unnecessary... I will tell you this ... if you could ask my buddys that gave there life in combat if they would do it knowing they would die they would say yes.

They are more of a man than you will ever be.
I'd give my life to stop the killing - killing of Americans... killing of Iraqis.

Sorry to say this, dude, but maybe you should do so. Give your life up and you will not see any more killing anymore. "Only the dead have seen the end of war" Plato.

But what do you think the guys serving in Iraq or Afghanistan are doing? They were sent there to stop the killing of Saddam, and now they're fighting and giving their lives to stop the killing of Iraqis and Americans by all those brainwashed fucks who want to go back to the 12th century way of life.

You're a liberal, so how can you be against stopping people who treat women like cattle? In their minds, Women's lib is heresy punishable by death. Not only that, but they're religious fundamentalists, and last I checked none of our Christian fundamentalist have strapped an explosives belt and blown themselves up shouting "Jesus is Lord" or something like that in a club or a mall, yet those are the ones liberals here in the U.S. hate, yet those over there that do strap explosives to themselves to turn into not so smart bombs..."oh, well, we must understand it's our fault they hate us because blah blah blah" (excuse me while I puke)

And to all military people here :glugglug: I was not one that had the privilege of wearing the uniform, but I salute you all. To all who are fighting I wish you all come back safely after doing your part to make that part of the world a bit better for those who live there.
They were sent there to stop the killing of Saddam, and now they're fighting and giving their lives to stop the killing of Iraqis and Americans by all those brainwashed fucks who want to go back to the 12th century way of life.

You've got to be fucking kidding me!

I'm sorry, who's the brainwashed fuck?:rolleyes:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
********** is too artsy fartsy to understand the INSIDE of the military. Someone in a band? Too emotional to enlist.

Everybody whose been in? You dont ever *expect* war to happen. And.. they will happen. All the damned time.

You can be against killing, but its human nature. Its reality, and it doesnt apologize for being something you dislike. It'll threaten you if you're a civvie or a Sergeant.

And yes, while it sounds like hypocrisy.. you have to kill people.. to change things. Violence is the authority from which all power extends. Want to set up a new government? You dont do it with words. Want money? Talking somebody out of it is Nickel 'n Dime'ing compared to warring over their economy. Besides, ever hear of the 'greater good'? You cant send the enemy into the corner or lock them in their room until they realize what they've done.

You shoot one, you save another. Who knows what the reality is, maybe you save ten for every one. Thats as truthful as it gets. Honestly, if someone picks up a gun and shoots at you.. they're the one who hates America. Every last one of 'em, if they had their way. They're the ones who would rather die for a cause than stay home and feed their family or stay out of the way of change.


Your rhetoric makes no sense to me. Seriously, I read it three times and I am scratching my head. I see it more clearly than that. We invaded another country and violated their sovereignty. Most of the international community was against what we were doing - there was no general consensus, or we would not have to have acted unilaterally. My emotions and my choice of how to change the world have nothing to do with it. Anyone who is against war would be against the foreign policy of America. They have been the number one instigators of violent wars for the best part of a century. It is time this comes to an end, and I will make that my life's goal. If people die in the process, it will not be because of my will: when the people of America start to learn the truth, if they become violent towards their own government, it will not be because of encouragement from our movement, that's for sure. They will never be able to call us terrorists, although they will try, because they will be the ones with the guns and the mind control (see this thread for example), and we... all we have is words. But they are more powerful than any guns, and... even money. Time will tell.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...:rofl:

His post on spanking children is what you'd expect from a non-parent with hazy ideas on devotion and dedication to something above self-interest.
It's all fun to discuss this and that, intellectual playtime...
the same doesn't hold true when speaking to a soldier...put your ass on the line for your family, put your ass on the line for your's for real.
Case in point...I hate to fight; for me, it's not a sport to get down and risk everything for some bullshit. But when the moment comes, I go on autopilot and there is no fear, no intellectual discussion...I do what needs doing.
I'll stand in front of a big mean mutherfucker and be prepared to pay the far, I have not lost my ticket for this A-ride, but that isn't what really matters. What matters is what you do when it does matter, put it on the line and see where you are when the smoke clears.
Same thing as hating war and being a warrior...I want the best people doing the fighting, not the worst.
Nothing wrong with not wanting war...I'd love to smoke some Northern Lights and love whoever drops by.
But only little children get to skip around and talk silly; grownups (y'know, adults of no particular age) need to see to things, feeding the kids and doing what needs to be done when it needs doing, all that big guy stuff.
Some people talk a lot, but anyone can see the lack of substance of those whe haven't really paid any kind of dues. A sad life story isn't so unusual or special, it's only what you do with it that counts.

thedude6926, Roughneck, the other vets here on the guys are probably really different people, but I suspect you share a few good respect is for real, so are you guys.
I've known quite a few mercs, ex-commandos, Navy Swift boat captains, Special Forces, just about every kinda fighting man, and while they are some of the craziest mfs I have ever been around (in civilian situations) I know who I'd want watching my back.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...:glugglug:
some of my family was in the army:
One of my unlce was in the air force, he was sent in Vietnam, he was a f105d pilot, the was pilot an f4e and then pilot the f15c, he retired in 1999. He was also sent in the 1st Gulf War as well as Bosnia.
Another of my uncles was a USMC pilot, he mainly flew on the f4c before flying on the f/a 18 c hornet.He was also sent to Vietnam and in the 1st Gulf War.
One of my cousins is in the USMC and another one is in the Rangers.
I think you're dead right on this. Why do people have the need to feel superior to other people? Why is that something people long for? It's done anyway, with wealth and cars and houses and clothes... but it shouldn't be the case. I think it's one of the most fucked up things about human nature. The need to instantly appear better than other people.

It's one thing to want a nice car because it handles well and is safe and comfortable. It's one thing to want to look nice and presentable. It's another thing to want to be better than other people. Above them. Below them. I fint the whole thing to be bullshit. And I can't stand when people think I'm better than them. And when people ask where I'm from or where I went to school and then sneer at me because they think that where I'm from or where I went to school makes me think I'm better than them, I find that ridiculous too. That's a very English phenomenon though. If you're well educated or posh or something, you obviously think you're better than everyone, and so a lot of the people I find I have more in common with - the kind of people who go to footy games and the like - assume that my accent means I think I'm better than them, and therefore want nothing to do with me.

As for the military thing, there are plenty of you guys here. You're all over the place. There are a lot of Americans here and America has the biggest military in the west. So it's not a surprise. So it sucks that some of you lost people you were close to when you were in the forces. Tell me - although I doubt you will - did any of you ever have to kill anybody? What was it like?


One of the worst thing that comes from you is your insanity allied to your blattant childishness. Plus you don't support your country's troops. Something you should be really ashamed of. People fight for a cause that they believe is right and you can't understand that and you will probably never understand that.

People don't like or don't appreciate people who lack realism and who behave holier than thou. Plus in the USA,people hate leftism and you haven't understood that since this day. I don't give a shit of what English people can think or on what their snobbery is focusing.

Your sarcasm about dead people in combat isn't funny, how do you fucking dare to disrespect people dead at combat????I would like to see you in combat, you wouldn't have the balls to shoot an ennemy in the face or even manslaughter him because you are a goddamn hippie/pacifist. You will be perhaps entitled to have an opinion when you will have faced death in combat and served in the army. Otherwise you are not (really) well placed to have an opinion on this matter and it is really unbecoming and irrespectful from you to give morals and insulting the United States Armed Forces. You are not here to give morals nor lecture anyone else. Do you understand that Fox? I am sure you do.
Your rhetoric makes no sense to me. Seriously, I read it three times and I am scratching my head. I see it more clearly than that. We invaded another country and violated their sovereignty. Most of the international community was against what we were doing - there was no general consensus, or we would not have to have acted unilaterally. My emotions and my choice of how to change the world have nothing to do with it. Anyone who is against war would be against the foreign policy of America. They have been the number one instigators of violent wars for the best part of a century. It is time this comes to an end, and I will make that my life's goal. If people die in the process, it will not be because of my will: when the people of America start to learn the truth, if they become violent towards their own government, it will not be because of encouragement from our movement, that's for sure. They will never be able to call us terrorists, although they will try, because they will be the ones with the guns and the mind control (see this thread for example), and we... all we have is words. But they are more powerful than any guns, and... even money. Time will tell.

being an utopian dreamer never helped and will never help, so stop dreaming and be realistic please.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
1:Your rhetoric makes no sense to me. Seriously, I read it three times and I am scratching my head. I see it more clearly than that. We invaded another country and violated their sovereignty. Most of the international community was against what we were doing - there was no general consensus, or we would not have to have acted unilaterally. My emotions and my choice of how to change the world have nothing to do with it. Anyone who is against war would be against the foreign policy of America. They have been the number one instigators of violent wars for the best part of a century.

2.It is time this comes to an end, and I will make that my life's goal. If people die in the process, it will not be because of my will: when the people of America start to learn the truth, if they become violent towards their own government, it will not be because of encouragement from our movement, that's for sure. They will never be able to call us terrorists, although they will try, because they will be the ones with the guns and the mind control (see this thread for example), and we... all we have is words. But they are more powerful than any guns, and... even money. Time will tell.

1: Of all people, you should know.. that "Nothing is Sacred". Those in control have violated every law, everywhere.. for many long years. Is it more likely that they're going to continue doing so? Absolutely. I'm not taking a Bushmongering advocate for killing everybody and calling the dead Axis Members of Evil by any means. It is only.. realized, that things have been running this way regardless of opposition.. violent or otherwise, for a very, very long time and hoping for success against the political machine and brainwashing or what-have-you is useless. What miniscule victories could anyone group hope to achieve?

2. Thats a nice, bleeding-heart statement.. but you could spend your life arguing and seriously not change as much as the proper placement of all the bullets in a clip. Violence is power, and the one handing out the most violence... regardless of a moral low or high ground.. is the one who writes the history books.

If people die in the process it wont be because or your will?

if they become violent towards their own government, it will not be because of encouragement from our movement, that's for sure.

How can you be so arrogant? It takes a good bit of vanity to assume everything will go to plan. What *IS* the plan, anyway? Be the new opiate of the masses? Soothe their fears and tell them peace, love and justice for all? That doesnt work in this world. There are a lot of differences among a lot of people.. and Americans, for one.. are a bunch of fearful angry mofo's. But you arent from here, so maybe you dont understand what life is like 10 miles outside of a major city or in the minds of parents who will do anything to keep their kids safe from chaos and change.

They will never be able to call us terrorists, although they will try

"As a type of unconventional warfare, terrorism means to weaken or supplant existing political landscapes through capitulation, acquiescence, or radicalization, as opposed to subversion or direct military action."

If someone is threatening a way of life, people wont have to be told who the terrorists are. But you know the spin doctors will be working full-time, too. Oftentimes, people just need a finger to be pointed. If the time comes, you might be sorry you're not packing a weapon.

More than that, you have to APPEASE the people. You cant take out a government and not enforce a new one. People *want* to be controlled. People need direction! If you want to offer an alternative to this government.. you really oughta work on your people skills. Insulting the military, dead people.. and having a varied and perverse sexual background wouldnt go over well with any majority in America.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Why do I get the distinct impression fox is workin on receiving a ban?
Fox your not flaming anyone or breaking any rules that I can tell but you sure are pissin people off! Seems like all your post, in this thread, are quoted and then torn apart by the next person.
Former Army here, scout/19d. Thanks for your service thedude6926, Torre82min, and all others I missed. You guys have my respect. :thumbsup:

I feel for you guys. I feel most sorry for the military families I know who got caught up in this war. The deployments are taking there toll and just seem like they are never gonna end. I hope for everyones sake its all over soon. War sucks. Politics suck.

Stay safe. Peace.

With respect, I don't see what you're saying has anything to do with this topic. It's about people who have been in the military. A place of common brotherhood. You want to criticize those that have sworn allegiance to the flag of the U.S.? Be my guest. That's your right. Just take it to another thread.
This thread has turned far worse since my initial tiff with Fox.

Fox ~ What you said and what you asked was incredebly insensitive, asinine, mindless, stupid, ignorant and offensive.

And that is putting it mildly.

What did it feel like killing another human?
What do you want me to say?
"Oh yeah baby! It felt great roasting those dinks! Hell yeah! Kill 'em all!! Whoo hoo!"


Is that what you want me to say? Because if so - I've said it.
There you have it. I'm a certified "baby killer".

Did you ever have dog shit flung at your face?
Have you ever been accused of rape and pillage?
Were you ever "publicly sentenced" for murder?

You're "intentions" (as you claim now) might very well have been "honorable" --- but it sure as shit didn't feel that way when you asked first. Really, what the FUCK were you expecting as a response???? The MANNER in which you asked your question was really offensive -- almost 'casual' like...

PS: There are a million and one questions I can really ask you in response to that one question of yours - but I can't since you fucking wouldn't know what I'm talking about.

As to the rest of this thread evolving into something I'm not sure I agree with - I don't think American armed forces have been on a just cause every single time they have been employed. Barring the American Revolution - there are FEW (if ANY) instances of moral use of american military might.


PS: I thought of a lot more things to say - but left them be since NONE of y'all might understand what I was talking about ('less you were incountry with me). But I can certainly say this with no hesitation what-so-ever:

"Kids have always asked me 'I want to serve my country! What unit do I join?' And I always respond 'War is hell boys. If you want to serve your country - become a teacher. Shape new minds and plant new souls".

I love my country but I HATE our government - ALL of 'em....
If you think I'm disrescpectful know that I am NINETY EIGHT PERCENT holding back the true strength of my feelings about this topic. The military. I have nothing more to say, though. Do you guys? Or would you like to continue to talk about how disrespectful and unAmerican and foolish and naive and insane I am? Go back to patting each other on the back, it's what this thread is for.
Bring out yer best argument Fox ~ and I promise I'll blow it down without resorting to the need for accusing you of "not supporting the troops".

If all you have is to "discuss American foreign policy" - please TITLE your therad as such ... or else be prepared for counter arguments listing ALL the nations from around the world....

Former Army here, scout/19d. Thanks for your service thedude6926, Torre82min, and all others I missed. You guys have my respect. :thumbsup:
Hey! Another scout! YAY! :)

Welcome 'brother amongst brothers'. "Reeeee-cooonnnnnnn TROOP! Hu-ah!!!!" :D :D
