Are blacks really a minority?

Will E Worm

Are blacks really a minority?

The truth is White/Anglo/European people make up less than 5% of the world’s population, making them the real minorities on the planet.

Census data is collected every decade and people are urged to classify themselves under any number of arbitrary racial categories, but if we look more closely at the numbers, particularly of those who are of mixed heritage and Latino or Hispanic who come from an African background, the number of African descendant people in this country would be well above the 12.5% recorded in the latest 2010 census data. But what’s more, the terminology of being categorized as a minority is misleading on a global scale.

The truth is White/Anglo/European people make up less than 5% of the world’s population, making them the real ‘minorities’ on the planet. While there are nearly 1 billion people alone currently living in Africa, there are untold millions of Blacks living throughout the world and within the African Diaspora. Take Brazil for instance, which is the home to more Black people outside of the country of Nigeria. That means there are more Blacks living in this South American country than countries in Africa, thanks to the transatlantic slave trade. In fact Brazil is home to an estimated population of nearly 95 million Blacks and mixed race persons of African ancestry.

Are you keeping count here? So far I have only counted 1 continent and 1 country and the figures of Black folks who are assumed to be minorities, is at 1.1 billion.

Haiti boast just over 9 million Black people on the tiny island, Cuba nearly 1.5 million, Jamaica is home to 2 million plus African descendants, and Venezuela has an estimated population of 3 million African identified people. So let’s break this down so that we have a more accurate picture of the total number of Black people in this world, lest we continue to be mislead about our so called minority status.

According to global census reports there are just over 22 million African descendants living in the Caribbean. More than 110 million residing in South America, close to 45 million who make North America their home, and just over 7 million in Europe. So according to these simple calculations the worldwide population of Black people on the planet, including inhabitants on the continent of Africa and throughout the Diaspora and Europe is (drum roll please)…over 1.4 billion African and African descendant people on this planet. Good Lord that’s a lot of Black folk!

It’s important that we understand semantics, and how certain terminology is used to dupe us into believing foolishness. And as Jay-Z says, “Men lie, women lie, but numbers don’t lie.”

The truth is White/Anglo/European people make up less than 5% of the world’s population, making them the real minorities on the planet.

There's about 7.500.0000.000 people on the planet
5% of that number is 375.000.000 people

Anyway, why focusing on blacks ? They are far from being the most numerous "race" on the planet : China alone is more populated than Africa (1.3 billion for China, 1.2 for Africa) and i you sul up the populations of every south-eastern asian countries, they have a total population of 1.8 billion people.
And India aone as a population of 1.2 billions people (and don't tell me you count them as "blacks" : they may have a dark skin but they are very different from africans, both physically and culturally).
But still you seem worried by blacks, a group of population who mostly leave in countries with a shitty economy and no real army. Still these people gets you worried more than a group of population that is more numerous than them, have goof economy and a good army. China got nukes, Africa doesn't.

Also, when medias mention blacks as a minority, they mean "in America" or "in Europe", not globally.
Back in the late 60's the so called experts said that the world could not survive a population greater than 4 billion. These were the same types that later became global warming alarmists.

We are 3 billion beyond that number now and counting.

Fuck the lying left.
Back in the late 60's the so called experts said that the world could not survive a population greater than 4 billion. These were the same types that later became global warming alarmists.

We are 3 billion beyond that number now and counting.

Fuck the lying left.

Did they say the earth would instantly explose when that jumber would be reached ?

What's important to undestand is that, as for now, Humans are acting like a locusts swarm : we are consuming much more than what Nature produces, which mens, at some point, we will have used every naturral ressource this planet has to offer.
This is exactly what climate chanfe is about : we are using natural ressources for human activity without thinking to the consequences.
Have you ever heard about colony collapse disorder ? Because of all the chemichals humans are using for agricultural purpose, bees are dying.
According to Einstein, if bees were to get extinct, Humanity wouldn't last 4 years...