Living healthy isn't cheap.
im not sure if i mentioned this but im pissed that i cant afford to be vegetarian.
but alot of them have pets and would hate if they were eaten.
Eating an animal that was bred to be eaten is not the same as eating a pet. Nice try though.
And how the hell is being vegetarian too expensive? My gf is vegan so I don't keep meat in the house anymore and I'm saving crazy money on groceries.
Eating an animal that was bred to be eaten is not the same as eating a pet. Nice try though.
And how the hell is being vegetarian too expensive? My gf is vegan so I don't keep meat in the house anymore and I'm saving crazy money on groceries.
im the worlds smartest shopper and trust me it is, at least where i am.
potatoes rose from .89/10lbs bag to 3.99. red bell peppers are now 1.50 each. cauliflower is like 3 bucks a pound.
ground turkey is 2.48/pound. at times, 2.00 or so. chicken breast is .98 to 1.50 to 2.01 a pound depending on your weekly ads.
its retarded. specially made vegetarian food like boca burgers, meatless chicken nuggets, and that sort of thing are really expensive. much, much more than a pack of frozen burger patties from even wal mart
I have no choice but to eat vegetarian, because eating meat causes me to have intnese gastro intestinal problems to the point were I double over in pain. I have been that way since I was in my early teens.
Bred to be eaten?When you decide to have any commonly eaten animal as a pet, ofcourse it's the same. Bad try.
Ever heard of fast food? Cheapest source of meat and healthy food is a pocket burner. If you eat crap, sure, it saves grocery money.
Oh sorry. I mustve forgot about my pet cow and chicken, cunt.
And WTF are you talking about fast food for? Maybe in the states prices are different, but I can go to the market and spend $15 on fresh vegetables and fruit for the whole week. Chickpeas are $.99 for a huge can, potatoes are cheap. Rice is cheap. Pasta is cheap. For the entire month I spend less then $100 for two people. And I never said healthy food is cheap, I said a vegetarian diet is cheap.