Any Vegetarians or almost Vegetarians Out there?


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
100 calories of steak? What is that, one bite?

Exactly! One bite of steak versus plowing through a half kilo of steamed spinach. now I love spinach - it's easily my fave vegetable. But that is A LOT of spinach. You also have to wonder how many calories you'd expend eating a half kilo of spinach!
They are ripped and explosive because most of them train for 6 hours a day every day. With that much training you can pretty much eat anything you want.

I did Atkins diet a couple of years ago--ate meet and most veggies every day...lost a ton of weight. I left that diet and started playing soccer 5 times a day..lost a ton more weight and got ripped.

Working out/cardio gets the results....

My theory about hard erections is that a guy's erection will be hard if his circulation system is in top notch. A top notch circulation system comes from being in shape. Blood travels freely through a body that is free from fat/cholestrol and all that shit. We see arteries in muscles that are free of fat, right? I'm not saying that fat collects in a guy's dick, my dick doesn't have fat, atleast from what I can tell, but if his body is "in tune" with all his stuff working well, circulation, sweating, heart rate, etc....his dick will be surfboard hard.

These are the views of a straight man. ;)


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
Don't take meat lightly. It's chock full of protein, vitamins, and happiness.
:thefinger ;)

I can talk about dicks without blushing. Incidentally, I will be asserting my manhood in Spexy's chatroom tonight....:boobies: :rubbel:


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
What, you want a stroke off? Isn't that what set Burr off??? And then he and Hamilton went for the pistols!:ak47::violent:
I would counteract that with...
vegetarian here. i love it how ignorant people are when they think of vegetarians. they think we eat "plants" and vegetables all day. no idiots. we eat some of the same things you guys do. burritos, pizza, burgers, etc. just without meat and substitute it with vegetarian items.

Jon S.

For health reasons...I'm actually SERIOUSLY considering it! I've already pretty much cut out red meat (on rare occasions) & I've tried some of the vegi-burgers, vegi-chicken, and vegi-sausage items they have out now, and trust'd have a helluva time telling the difference!!! Regardless of what you decide to eat fact remains...humans actually have the dental structure of a HERBIVORE! The fact that we are omnivores actually goes against our physical make up! Just sayin'!!!
Few things are more fucking ridiculous than Vegetarian-theme meat dishes. Burgers, sausage, etc... all require meat, so enough that 'I'll just throw veggie in the name' bullshit. Hell, not even substitute sugar is called sugar, so there is no such thing as a veggie... burger.

Enough of the humans are not built for eating meat talk. That is not fucking fact. The fact that we can eat it raw, cooked, chew it, swallow it, extract nutrient from it, and digest it should be proof enough that we are. Of course, like anything, meat should be eaten in moderation. A lot of people becomming vegetarian do so because of their ego, using 'healthy' eating to boast and feed their need to feel just much more important and superior. Nowadays, being vegetarian isn't good enough. There are new levels and labels out there... one more asshole-ish than the next, but all designed scare you into unnecessary trendy lifestyle changes. Get both sides of the story before you make a decision.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I really had no choice in becoming a vegetarian, considering that I get extremly severe ulcers in my stomach if I consume meat.


It's a myth that vegetarianism is healthier. Grains and legumes which usually feature heavily in th vego diet are poisonous plants which utilize a number of toxins designed to injure whichever animal eats it, wheat being the worst offender.

It's also a myth that our bodies aren't designed to eat meat reguarly. We evolved on a high fat, protein rich diet. We didn't evolve to eat grains, legumes and other modern foods we eat now. There are even examples in recent history of people eating all meat diets without any problem, as long as they had plenty of fat in their diet as well.

I don't get this thing about eating fish being somehow a healthier option or perhaps less cruel. It's more unhealthy and more cruel. My idiot sister started doing this recently and boasted about feeling more virtuous after passing on the lamb one night and opting for a piece of salmon. She obviously didn't get the memo about how fish die- bought up on deck to suffocate to death or die on the end of a hook after being used as live bait.Fish die awful deaths. With a cow it's a bolt to the head or their throat sliced and game over. There are regulations slaughterman have to follow for farm animals- have to be killed quickly and by causing minimal suffering etc. No such regualtions exist for seafood. That's one of the many reasons I rarely eat fish and when I do it's just out of politeness to whoever offered me it.

I don't even eat many vegetables anymore. It's pointless. There is no good evidence they are going to improve your health. Big studies have tried to prove this and they've come up short every time. It's nonsense. They are just a useless famine food. The fact that you can't survive off them but can survive fine off nothing but fatty meat says plenty. So why bother when it means more cooking and more washing up? :dunno:

I think if you absolutely HAD to eat vego and couldn't stand meat you could probably do OK eating vegies, fruit, starchy tubers with eggs, yogurt, cheese and fermented soy as your protein replacements. But you wouldn't be as healthy as a meat eater. If you are a vegan then your nuts and are sitting yourself up for an early grave.

:2 cents:


Official Checked Star Member
I am. I don't like the idea of eating animals that lived in such terrible conditions, plus it's pretty easy to stay thin when you mostly eat fruits and vegetables. I also don't even think it tastes that good. So, I don't see a reason to eat meat.