Marlo Manson
Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
round 3 had a gassed diego getting beat on the feet and some GNP, I thought Guida won round 2 until I realized the blood was from Guida (couldnt see from all his fucking hair). Hopefully this kind of judging goes on more often, when was the last time a UFC fighter in top position lost a decision?
By the way, i was banned so i never got a chance to laugh at your "best line up of the cap era" and "hall of fame goaltender" when you guys choked so badly in the finals so here it is: hahahahahahahahahha.
But seriously though, that was a good game, a good series anyway and an insane playoffs.
#1 I didn't see it like that. I think Sanchez had control of the fight from start to finish, that said, I don't think Guida ever hurt Sanchez, and I don't even recall any great punches connecting? the judge that scored Guida winning 2 out of 3 rounds was incompetent IMHO.
#2 As far as your laughing @ my supposed comments about the "best line up of the cap era" and the "hall of fame goaltender" remarks, its a good thing for you that I wasn't receiving my subscribed threads updates cuz had I read this sooner, like right after you wrote it and (before you being banned @ the time I am reading and responding to this comment, right now) I would have roasted the fuck out of you. cuz I :dunno: :wtf: your talkin about. Keep this in the back of your mind before you decide to laugh it up. :uohs::thefinger
If BUTTMAN wasn't Cindy Crysby's butt buddy, The PENGUINS wouldn't have won the finals, cuz there wouldn't have been a game 7 too be played had all the calls and non-calls been handled legitimately. I realize you thought you were being funny, and sarcastic, but I am still VERY SOUR and DISGRUNTLED in other words PISSED OFF, BUTTMAN and the officiating ASSISTED the penguins winning the finals I am not mad @ you, but I am still very P.O'd about the finals cuz I don't think the better team won IMO.
is was the fight of the night i like when Diego Sanchez enters the arena and keeps repeating YES! YES! YES! but if the judge had guilda as the winner he's crazy. also did you see guida at the end of the fight being interview by joe rogan. he couldn't stand still he kept jumping up & down. i dunno but maybe he use to take the cheese bus to school as a kid lol.
Yes, yes, yes, I love that as well, it just goes to show how fired up and dedicated allot of fighters are and have to be in order to perform @ the top of their game, especially Diego Sanchez, thats why I like him so much.
And yes I didn't really care for Guida before the fight, mostly cuz of the hair and the cockiness he displayed, but after being as gracious and flamboyant @ the end of the fight while talkin with rogan as he was, while he couldn't stand still, I just realized how much adrenaline and how much of a good guy Guida really is. :thumbup: he does need a haircut though. :eek:
what did you get banned for?
Yeah I wanna know so we can discuss that hahahahahahaha

yeah he was a mess i thought that was an awesome show too
Just Sanchez entering the ring chanting Yes, Yes, Yes...and so on, is so electric IMO... :hatsoff: