well, I like the interview side of porn, but usually the person doing the interview ask the worst questions! Maybe the are starstruck, or dickstruck but I would like questions asked other than porn, or sex related...
When I see or listen to the interviews the questions are not porn star specific, nor are they rearly well-thought out questions. These are just a few I would ask, but would really need to prepair my question list to specific stars:
1) What one single act got you, or gets you motivated to do porn?
2) Describe your childhood?
3) What is your outlook on sex, on camera and off, and if there is a difference, how so?
4) What is your outlook on drugs?
5) If you could change anything in the porn scene, what would it be?
6) Describe your perfect evening?
7) What things do you like, and not like about your fans, or fan base?
8) What is your most rememberal experience in porn?
9) Are you political, and if so, explain?
10) What is the real (there stage name here) like?