Any fresh ideas for porn?

How about a series with the Grim Reaper?

A hot chick dies, GR appears to take her to Hell.

"Mr Reaper, how ever will I change your mind? And look! You have a huge cock! It's bigger than my head, longer than my forearm!"

Death says: "This is better than chess."
I think I came across some Japanese porn wherein the dude thrusts his cock under the armpit. Sweet.

Y'all got some great ideas. Nice to see that there's no mention of the snuff and scat variety. Bukkake isn't out of the question. :D
Idea for a photoshoot. (probably been done before)

A make over where a girl with dark hair changes to a redhead. Then decides to go for matching muff and dyes her pubes ginger. Some before, during and after pics would be great to see.
I'd like to see the immediate removal of all the greasy long-haired, tattoo ridden, steroid used, oh-so butch pumped up latent homosexual misogynists!
i think the clear vibrators giving clear veiw of contractions is hotter than fuck
i usually cum right away when the woman begins to cum.............this may be a good avenue to progress
Get rid off all the dumb ideas they have put into it over the years and have it go back to relatively normal sex. While a plot or very intricate story has never been a big part of porn either, and shouldn't be, at least having situations that where real seduction develops would be nice thing to bring back to.
I'd love to see an all girl party that starts of with the usual lesbian stuff but they get gradually dirtier and kinkier as time goes on.

Perhaps starting with the girls seeing has has the biggest pussy or widest ass gape, using a ruler to measure. I think it would be great to see them taking real interest in each others pussies.

They could have an ass squirting competition. The girls could bet each other who can squirt water the greatest distance or have a punishment for the loser.

A lesbian spit cream pie with lots of girls spitting into one girl's pussy or ass. Then she squats down spreads which ever hole and lets it drip or pour out into a wine glass or bowl.

A lesbian pee enema would be pretty cool.

Filling a girl's pussy up with wine from a bottle, then she squats and lets it drain into a wine glass for another girl to drink.

Anal inserting as many sweets like jelly babies or marshmallows as possible then squeezing them out.

I'm guessing these have probably been done before, but it would be cool to see a whole film like this. Finding girls willing to do this might be hard though!
Ok, I have seen my share of porn but still have not seen this:

Young beautiful wife actually cooking over a gas range wearing no top for her hubby. He comes in and licks her tits by the stove and the pot is steaming away with the blue flames below... Then she sucks his tool there. Then, if there's room next to the range, they can fuck with the pots and pans just boiling away! ( if they get too excited they may be burned though.) Occupational hazard i guess.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Lara Kroft "Womb Raider".
Girl on girl adventure porn. ;)
I'd like to see a girl, or a lesbian couple bathing in a bathtub filled with cum...
Sorry, I gotta see this once in my life...