I think it's a valid question.
the bottom line of religion is the search for mankind to make sense out of the universe.
I think that a lot of people on here, because of the orthodoxy and the hypocrisy of many religious people, they don't have faith in the ideas of the holy texts, which sound a lot like absurdities. I understand that and I have a lot of gripes with these institutions, as I do with many other social and historical organizations.
But I still hold on that essential ideal. That's why I am really drawn to science, but that is not all that there is. I've studied most of the religions and I've compared them to each other and to history, science, psychology, and you'll see that the mythology runs deeper than just the surface, it tells a lot about human experience and interaction.
There is so much that we don't know in science, and really all the advancements in the last 30 years or so has been through following the old model that religion does- that is making inferences about the missing information without using evidence and experimentation, because it doesn't exist. That model is in fact the forerunner of science theory, going back to the Greeks. The Greeks celebrated mental construction and deduction and the idea of what we call empiricism was seen as irrelevant to them. The had politics, mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and mythology all together, they didn't see any contradictions between them.
What I'm saying is that you should be open to new experiences in whatever form they take and just process the information as it comes and try to fit it into a working model. Just because the old model doesn't work, that doesn't mean the information that it is drawn from is totally useless.
Look at something like UFO encounters and divine revelation from religious people and you will see that they are remarkably similar. Now of course I don't believe in either of those two things, but you can't really ignore that phenomenon and just write it off as nothing, because it can't just be mere coincidence, all these events are all tied together. That's the kind of thing that I am talking about.