*Rubs hands together gleefully,lights a Marlboro....*
Today is a good day for this.....
Self-righteous people
People that think less of you because of your taste in music or movies.
People that drive on the Interstate like they're trying to qualify for fuckin' NASCAR or Formula 1.
People who fuckin' speed up and cut me off when I try to make a lane-change.(This is why I stopped using turn signals)
People who treat me like a cross between the Antichrist and Charles Manson because I smoke cigarettes.
Drive through speakers that sound like they're trying to talk to you from the bottom of a fucking lake.(Seriously,as advanced as we as a people have become from a technological standpoint,how hard is it to come up with a speaker/intercom system that doesn't sound so awful?)
People that attempt to speak for their entire gender.
People that don't listen;they just allow you to talk.
Oprah Winfrey
People who mis-apply the word "addiction"
People who always speak in code.
People who question nothing
People who wax nostalgic and pine for an era of history they weren't even alive to see.
People who call me a pessimist when I try to remind them of whatever bad side something may have.There's a difference between dwelling on the negative,and acknowledging it.
More later.....