

This seems to have been a bad year for me so far with books and other fictional setting I like. With the official announcement of the Star Wars KOToR MMO yesterday and the story behind it, it looks like they are pretty much making a joke out of the setting and pretty much screwing over some of my all time favorite fictional characters. I had more faith in Bioware to make good games like they have in the past (With the exception of some of the stupid DRM they put in them), but not now. It looks more like a money grab by them and Lucas Arts at the detriment to the integrity of artwork they created before. KOToR was pretty much the only part of the Star Wars Extended Universe that was good anymore, and that has pretty much been ruined now.

Then there is the entire Forgotten Realms setting produced by Wizards of the Coast that they pretty much decided to blow up early this year just so it could coincide with the rules a new on of the D&D game. I'm sure one of my favorite characters in that will be screwed with also. I don't know who was the idiot that thought an intricate literary world should be drastically altered because of the way a table top game works, but I hope somebody kicks him in the balls over it someday.

Maybe I'm letting this get to me too much and maybe I'm putting too much emphasis on things that aren't real, but similar to how a masterpiece painting or another form of art can mean a lot more to people than just the substances it's created out of, or how a sports team/television show/pro wrestling can mean so much to the fans of it, in a way some of the thing I have liked and become a fan of as I have grown up mean more than just words on a page. (or screen for that matter.) It's not only these things. It's this with the countless other instances of things like this that I have seen happen basically my whole life, everything from some book to people I have known. It's like nearly all of the things I have come to love in my life, many that I thought were beautiful, innocent, pure, or maybe even interesting have been slowly corrupted by money, greed, and the evil in the world until they became a sad mockery of who or what they once were. You could still remember what they used to be like, but now they seemed twisted to something that wasn't them anymore, something that was unwholesome or worse. Deep in your heart you hope that person is still in there somewhere or that the thing you used to like could go back to the way it was, but you also know that is probably never going to be. Maybe that is what is really at the heart of what's bothering me tonight as I write this. Maybe it's more the feeling of just one more thing that I loved, even if it's relatively small and unimportant this time, getting pounded into oblivion by the flaws in humanity once again than it is the actual thing anymore. After all this time, I don't think I get sad over it anymore. I just get a little more bitter with the world each time it happens and I wish that wasn’t the case. I don't like being that way.


Postal Paranoiac
Coming in at "X" on the Alphabet Location thread.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Assholes on TV who are supposedly "teaching you to cook", but obviously aren't very good at it themselves. Stupid JERKS!!!
Sports announcers who say stupid shit:

"To win you have to outscore your opponent."
"The fans who haven't left are still here."
"Coaches really hate penelties that could have been avoided."
"The score is tied." (as if you were not watching)
"The refs were right on that call."
"You have to be an athelete to play in the NFL."

etc., etc., etc.
Sports announcers who say stupid shit:

"To win you have to outscore your opponent."
"The fans who haven't left are still here."
"Coaches really hate penelties that could have been avoided."
"The score is tied." (as if you were not watching)
"The refs were right on that call."
"You have to be an athelete to play in the NFL."

etc., etc., etc.

In other words, John Madden?


Closed Account
Old bands making new CD's and going on tour again. I dig Judas Priest, but come's done. Metallica? Okay, after napster it was DONE. A new AC/DC CD? Why? They play the same 6 chords, only changing the order that they come in. G A D C, C D G A. It's DONE.
Old bands making new CD's and going on tour again. I dig Judas Priest, but come's done. Metallica? Okay, after napster it was DONE. A new AC/DC CD? Why? They play the same 6 chords, only changing the order that they come in. G A D C, C D G A. It's DONE.

I hear that. No one really wants to hear their new stuff anymore.

Metallica especially. They're old now. It's time to go on to older people music and chill out. Tone it down a few notches and play something respectable again. Not what the mainstream faggot bands are playing.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I hear that. No one really wants to hear their new stuff anymore.

Metallica especially. They're old now. It's time to go on to older people music and chill out. Tone it down a few notches and play something respectable again. Not what the mainstream faggot bands are playing.

There have been very few bands that have made albums in their "later years" and have gotten away with it. I don't necessarily mean that their album sold a ton of albums, but that their album was pretty good. Bruce Springsteen's latest album was a surprise to me, as it was actually pretty good, IMO.


What annoys me ?

• The cheap, inconsiderate, all self serving, investment banker, next door neighbor who milks every opportunity to the "N"th degree.
Example - Every week, like clock work, the guy consistently tops off his garbage cans, so much so, that the lid won't close. When agitated by wind, or tipped by the garbage the truck, the overfill contents will drop on the ground and end up in my yard !!!
I ask him why doesn't subscribe to the larger issue garbage can and he says that his size "does just fine".

The same neighbor, who sends his wife over to borrow my professional grade electric tools, 'cause his are junky Chinese mfgr - consumer grade
•"Home Repot Specials", actually has the audacity to have his wife return those tools !
Girly man, that's all .

• Store sales of which, when I arrive, just two hours into those sales, are out of stock ! (Rite Aid) I ask for a rain check and it has an expiration date !

• Those grocery store parking lot recycle centers that give you a "certificate receipt", only redeemable inside the store. WTF ! ? Just give me cash NOW ! I wasn't planning on shopping today or wasting countless minutes walking to, from and throughout your super, warehouse sized grocery store and still have to wait in yet, another line to receive my measly $5 !
• Posters who simply post
• People who, on a daily basis, use chat rooms to, spread their political gospel exactly as reported on . . . say . . . CNN.

• People who preach diversity, yet demand equality in the form "income redistribution" i.e. - Govt. imposed equality of salaries and graduated taxes for those who are more ambitious than others.
Do they seriously believe that people would go to, say . . . medical school, knowing that they'd earn little better than the garbage man ?
There ! Socialism Annoys me ! :D
OBama !


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I hate ordering from Thai restaurants, because it takes a really long time to explain your order over the phone to somebody who speaks very broken English.

"I would like #41, the duck curry."
"Yo name is Doug Fuwwy?"
"No, the duck curry."
"You in a huwwy?"
"...hold on one minute."

(3 minutes later, they come back)

"Hewwo, may I help you?"
"Yes, I was trying to order the duck curry."
"Wha you say?"
"I would order...the DUCK...CURRY."
"Yo dog is puwwing?"

I hate Bell service.

You talk to Indians that don't speak english well, and have alot of trouble understand wtf you are saying.