Andrew Yang, New York City mayoral candidate, hospitalized with likely kidney stone

Probably like a boulder stuck sideways in his little pecker. Ouch!


Andrew Yang, New York City mayoral candidate, hospitalized with likely kidney stone

It don't come out that easy, Andy.
I've had two kidney stones in the past 13 month span. The combined time they took to pass was around 5 months of that. One of them had moments where it was the most painful thing I've experienced. The first one I would have liked to just went to doctors and had them taken out, but just the diagnostic stuff ended up costing me over a $1,000 and that's with insurance. I basically ran out of money. The second one I didn't even bother with getting it checked out. I just had to deal with it with some pain relievers that were slightly more potent than over the counter medication.
I've had two kidney stones in the past 13 month span. The combined time they took to pass was around 5 months of that. One of them had moments where it was the most painful thing I've experienced. The first one I would have liked to just went to doctors and had them taken out, but just the diagnostic stuff ended up costing me over a $1,000 and that's with insurance. I basically ran out of money. The second one I didn't even bother with getting it checked out. I just had to deal with it with some pain relievers that were slightly more potent than over the counter medication.

Two kidney stones in a little over a year seems like getting struck by lightening twice. Explains where your user name came from. I probably shouldn’t ask but what does the D stand for in D-Rock?