Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I'm not huge on fast food, but I do like cheese, pate, bread, wine, chips etc etc ... I think it's all about moderation. An unpopular concept perhaps, but better to enjoy a little of everything for a long time, than a lot of everything for a short time.
I think.
There's nothing wrong with those things (except the chips perhaps). If it's real food, even full fat, it's fine. When I went to France a few years back I was amazed that I rarely saw fat French folks with all the cheeses, breads, chocolate, pasteries, and whatnot around. And wine......
It really is about moderation.
I wonder what their eating in the south east that makes em overweight?
Where I live you hardly see fat people but if you go to walmart in the day thats a different story
I always pictured Patti Labelle :eek:
Fried EVERYTHING. Grits with TONs of butter. That stuff will beef you up pretty quickly. I mean, hell, the fried twinky and snickers came from the south.
Do not despair! There are fat countries across the pond, too!
Britain isn't doing too hot ATM. Honestly, I'd say they're catching up to America pretty quickly.
Now that I'm in the correct thread....
They'll be sorry when the zombie apocalypse comes to pass.
At least I won't have to feel guilty for tripping the guy next to me to distract the zombies then.