I'm 6'3. Definitely not fat.
Holy shit! I'd always pictured you as a short, skinny guy! :shocked:
Holy shit! I'd always pictured you as a short, skinny guy! :shocked:
I'm 6'3. Definitely not fat.
Holy shit! I'd always pictured you as a short, skinny guy! :shocked:
Oh wait wasn't he also a loaf of bread?!?!
Was I also naked?
I always pictured you with breasts.
It made me happy.
I am proud to say that I'm working hard to go the opposite way. In April I was tipping the scales at just shy of 230 pounds. My size 38 jeans were starting to fit a little too snugly, and I was dreading the thought of having to start getting size 40 jeans.
Yesterday when I weighed myself the scale said 212. I'm currently comfortably wearing a pair of size 36 jeans, and think I can make it to a size 34. I'm nowhere near my ultimate goal of 180, but it's a start. :thumbsup:
Fattest states:
1. Mississippi (34.4%)
2. Alabama (32.3%)
3. West Virginia (32.2%)
4. Tennessee (31.9%)
5. Louisiana (31.6%)
6. Kentucky (31.5%)
7. Oklahoma (31.4%)
8. South Carolina (30.9%)
9. Arkansas (30.6%)
10. Michigan (30.5%)
i have approximately ~4-6% body fat so it's not me...i eat A LOT, but i'm also very active and have an extremely enthusiastic metabolism
Who did you picture with breasts: me, or diva?
I would like to see something more official, like a CDC/NIH/DHHR study...
Germans Are Fattest People in Europe, Study Shows
A new study has found that Germany has the highest proportion of overweight people in Europe, partly due to the country's high beer consumption. But Britain, Greece and some Eastern Europe countries have an even higher share of truly obese people.
The study by the International Association for the Study of Obesity found that in Germany 75.4 percent of men and 58.9 percent of women are overweight, far higher than levels in Italy and France.
The organization classifies people as overweight if their Body Mass Index is greater than 25. The index is arrived at by dividing one's weight in kilos by the squared height in meters. For example a man who weighs 75 kilos and is 1.8 meters tall has a BMI of 23.15 (75: 1.80² = 23.15).
But Germany is behind the Greeks, British and some Eastern European countries when it comes to obesity, classified as a BMI above 30.
Looks to me like she's been slimming down.
Jesus. If I was 180 I'd be a twig. I'm a happy 245. I work out, run and I don't own a car so I walk and bike everywhere. I'm not a body builder by any means, but I sure the fuck ain't obese, but according to bmi, I am. Fuck that.
So what is obese?
I'm 6'3. Definitely not fat.
Now that I'm in the correct thread....
They'll be sorry when the zombie apocalypse comes to pass.