And America Keeps Getting Fatter

And this will carry down to health insurance premiums, impacting me for someone's messed up lifestyle. I gave up soda, coffee and fast foods many years ago, never looked back. And while only drinking water can get pretty fucking boring, the 18 different, harmful chemicals in soda tell me otherwise.

They put the calories on the menus, and foods, people never look, people don't care. I wonder if they knew how much sodium was in the food they ate, would they continue. Starbucks and breakfast buritto or McDonalds for breakfast
Burger for lunch and another coffee. Big dinner... Every day...

Why bother right, they can just go down to the doctor's and have them shove a device into your stomach, forcing you to lose weight.

Let me point something out, you didn't lose shit. You needed something to stop you from eating. Jenny Craig, Weight Watcher, Slim Genics, O-Band, Lap Band....

How do you stop drinking soda, try not buying it. How do you stop eating fast food. Try not buying it. High calorie coffees, etc...
What ever happened to having basic will power to not over eat and be sensible in what you're eating.

Its addictive. Soda especially. I don't know if I'll ever give it up completely. It's like a treat to me. 1-2 cans a week. I need that carbonated taste!!! :mad:


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Its addictive. Soda especially. I don't know if I'll ever give it up completely. It's like a treat to me. 1-2 cans a week. I need that carbonated taste!!! :mad:

Exactly. It's supposed to be a flavored carbonated drink, right. Yet people can't seem to stop drinking it. Makes me wonder if there's something else they're putting in it to make people continue drinking. Wouldn't be the first time a company has done that. Cigarettes...