:thumbsup: :hatsoff: And, because we are Americans......and we have the damn right......all the crazies have them, so we should too. You want to bring your shit onto my porch, well, I think Jules said it best......"And Mr. 9mm here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness."
So there you have it.
All the Europeans and other countries who citizens are unable to purchase guns always complain and bitch about us Americans having guns, cuz I think you are envious and jealous? :dunno: of us American who are allowed to purchase our guns.
You should petition your governments for your right to purchase guns, I know good and damn well that half the opposition who argue about the Americans right to arm themselves and the capability of purchasing guns legally, would practically give one of their NUTS for the opportunity and or freedom to purchase a firearm legally, its a guys thing, some women like them also I am sure, but its like Cars, most guys are into cars, I think thats the case with guns as well, guys love guns. not just in the USA, I think all guys love guns. :2 cents:
Criminals are the ones killing, they are gonna get their hands on guns regardless if it is legal or not to own a gun in the USA. thats why they don't register them, they steal them from legitimate owners, Criminals always will be able to arm themselves with weapons. period, its just the way it is, their are millions upon millions of guns in circulation world wide, Criminals will always be armed, if legal citizens and law abiding citizens feel the need to protect themselves thats their right.
Perhaps if the law to owning guns was never bestowed and guns owned by citizens was banned, controlled, and or a lot stricter then it has been in the last century and half, it might have been a convenient, legitimate, way to curb the circulation of guns in the USA, but since the constitution was written, its been the Americans freedom and right to purchase and bear arms RESPONSIBLY and for the most part 99% of law abiding registered firearms are handled legally and with care and responsibly like they pledged they would.
If all the countries who wish to own firearms but are unable to, petition your government, start a petition amongst PRO-GUN supporters and try and change your laws? :dunno:
p.s. @ galactic. Do I get reps. for the jules quote?
