Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
the difference between religion and science is that science is aware of its ignorance, and tries to find answers; whereas religion only tries to find "evidence" to support its pre-made opinions.
If forced to choose either right or wrong, I choose right.
all politicians are self-serving, corrupt assholes who should be taken into the forest and be put out of their misery, for the greater good of humanity.
Wrong as a universal truth, but right in the majority of instances.
aliens have never visited our planet; if they had they would have contacted us instead of just making circles in cropfields or sticking thermometers up cows' asses.
Not sure since there is no definitive proof, but I'd like to think you are wrong.
capitalism is the financial equivalent of fascism, as it allows the rich to accumulate ever greater wealth and influence while the masses become ever poorer.
the financial equivalent of democracy is socialism, where the wealth is shared by all.
unfortunately, there is always at least one greedy bastard that ruins it for everybody else(see, item #2, politicians).
I understand how you're trying to tie those together, but there are some loose ends that need to be cleaned up. Interesting analogies though. Close but no cigar.
Wrong. Just FUCKING wrong.
if the world came to be through "intelligent design (aka creation)", and the bible claims that "one should not lie with a man as one lies with a woman", then why are there homosexuals? either the bible is wrong, or the design isn't so intelligent, after all.
or, more likely, all this religious drivel is just that, drivel.
You're not really making a statement, you're asking a question. However, if the root of your belief is the statement "all this religious drivel is just that, drivel", you are 100% correct sir!
more when i'm not so sleepy.
Totally speculative but I would think you are right. Time will tell. Now go get some sleep.