Al Qaida number 3 and his family blown to fucking bits by drone's missile

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Have ya ever noticed how they all look like they have gaping assholes for mouths. All slack and puffy like an abused rectum.
I hate to be this way but this type of take-no-prisoners mentality is the only thing these barbarians understand. Unfortunately, we have to be as brutal and merciless in our approach to them as they are to us. I hope we get more of them this way. You have to wipe them all out much as one would wipe out a colony of cockroaches. Motherfucker wouldn't even blink before killing my family so it's great that we got them first. Fuck 'em.

The Predator is the greatest and most effective weapon of this conflict.

This is true. I don't know when this whole pussified version of war came about where you care about the enemies feelings and shit. The whole point of war is to wipe out the other guy. It's not supposed to be nice. If the enemy doesn't play by the rules then you don't either. You're supposed to make the otherside fear you so that they or anybody else will think twice about messing with you.
This is true. I don't know when this whole pussified version of war came about where you care about the enemies feelings and shit. The whole point of war is to wipe out the other guy. It's not supposed to be nice. If the enemy doesn't play by the rules then you don't either. You're supposed to make the otherside fear you so that they or anybody else will think twice about messing with you.

The far left liberal mindset is to love your enemy and hate yourself.

Do you honestly believe that a murdering son of a bitch jihadi gives a damn about some leftist pussy whining over the rights of muslim terrorists?
No he'll just put that pussy on the bottom of his kill list and behead Mr Kumbaya when the time comes.
The far left liberal mindset is to love your enemy and hate yourself.

Do you honestly believe that a murdering son of a bitch jihadi gives a damn about some leftist pussy whining over the rights of muslim terrorists?
No he'll just put that pussy on the bottom of his kill list and behead Mr Kumbaya when the time comes.

But we can win them over with cake and hugs. Come on everybody, we can make tomorrow Hug-A-Terrorist Day.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
The far left liberal mindset is to love your enemy and hate yourself.

Do you honestly believe that a murdering son of a bitch jihadi gives a damn about some leftist pussy whining over the rights of muslim terrorists?
No he'll just put that pussy on the bottom of his kill list and behead Mr Kumbaya when the time comes.

Who is whining about the "rights" of the terrorists, Trident? Every post here (so far) has been in total support of the action against them. For once, we seem to be in total concert with each other. What a rare occasion that is!

Why you felt compelled to turn this consensus into something partisan is beyond my comprehension. I guess you want to just keep the divide going even when one doesn't exist? :dunno::confused:

At least you could have waited until one of those communist leftist pinko pussies posted their candy-ass sympathy for the poor terrorists. I'm waiting for that to happen myself in fact.

Extremism in any fashion is abhorrent.
Jagger my comment was meant for the far left crowd outside. Whether they be in mass media, law offices, the streets, or on campus.
Jagger my comment was meant for the far left crowd outside. Whether they be in mass media, law offices, the streets, or on campus.

Why pick on one extreme in this thread? Of course the other side far, wingnut wackos would like to glaze over the entire mideast with if that would solve anything but give the US more enemies ...that actually have nukes too.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Jagger my comment was meant for the far left crowd outside. Whether they be in mass media, law offices, the streets, or on campus.

Outside? Outside what? :confused:

There are also those on the extreme right who think we should deport, imprison or kill all people of Islamic faith too. No need to bring either of these lunatic fringe groups into the discussion. They simply aren't relevant unless they choose to make themselves part of the discussion. I'm betting they won't.

Meanwhile, I hope our Predators are preparing to swoop in for another strike and another one after that and that they will just keep striking until we wipe these worthless motherfuckers off the face of the planet.
good question, i guess bin laden, but who is number 2?

too bad about the deaths of the kids, but if he wasn't a damn terrorist they wouldnt have died.

Uh, this punk...weren't you following the "War on Terra"?? Or too busy cheerleading?

Good to go. Now if we can do something like this more often one way or another.
Why pick on one extreme in this thread? Of course the other side far, wingnut wackos would like to glaze over the entire mideast with if that would solve anything but give the US more enemies ...that actually have nukes too.

The U.S. is already preparing for the possible use of some non conventional weaponry should we be hit by a jihadists nuke device. Pakistan has already been warned.

As for the far right the only thing one can say in their defense is that at least their actions are proactive(allbeit often misplaced) and they tend not to blame themselves for all the worlds ills.
The U.S. is already preparing for the possible use of some non conventional weaponry should we be hit by a jihadists nuke device. Pakistan has already been warned.
Who would the US nuke if some jihadi got their hands on a loose weapon?? A jihadi is far more likely if (God forbid) they do one to get it from some former Soviet bloc country than Pakistan.
As for the far right the only thing one can say in their defense is that at least their actions are proactive(allbeit often misplaced) and they tend not to blame themselves for all the worlds ills.

You're just arguing a different side of the same coin. What makes you think a misplaced action is superior to an appropriately place reaction??:confused::confused:

It is as unrealistic to assume blame for everything as it is to take blame for nothing. At least assuming blame is the more mature approached and leads to more resolution than childishly proclaiming blamelessness for anything.

In cases where there is a possibility for reason to prevail...who holds the advantage? The one childishly pointing in all directions but rightfully where blame belongs or the one willing to look at where they may have been in error?

Don't answer....I feel an argument for the sake of arguing coming.