ChefChiTown, thank you for making yourself clearer. However, I don't think they are singling out transsexuals and overweight people as a concern for the public attending the event, but more so out of personal biases of the organizers. Of course, American men are very into lesbian porn, but most of this men dispise gay male porn. I think this is silly, but that's just how it is. So again, if they really were concerned for the "sensitivities" of people, they wouldn't have gays parading around the place as well. But obviously, it is more acceptable to discriminate trannies and overweight people this days....
That's an interesting point. Gays probably have a lot more political power than trannies, and they could make a much bigger stink about it if they were excluded. So it's possible that the organizers did exclude trannies to make the event more attractive to mainstream attendees and that they would prefer to have excluded gay men also but chose not to do so, so as to avoid the hostile reaction. Unfortunately there is much less pressure to avoid discrimination against small minorities than against large minorities.
I would note that, in many states (and I'm guessing California is one of them) homosexuals are a "protected class" for employment law purposes, so if you refuse to hire someone just because he's gay, he can sue you. I may be wrong, but I don't think transsexuals are a protected class in most of those states.
I may be wrong, but I don't think transsexuals are a protected class in most of those states.