Put yourself in my shoes for a minute, and tell us what you would do, how you would feel.
I understand that your a non-violent, and want to see everyone as equal. But what on this earth would drive you to a defend yourself, your family?
To kill, if necessary, in the defense of your family if the situation called for it.
I appreciate your ratcheting the tone down a bit, stampede, so an actual discussion can take place. :hatsoff:
First, let me correct your assumption that I "see everyone as equal". I don't. There are many differences among individuals and that seems obvious enough. As for non-violence, I think non-violence should be a default way of going about one's life, but when actually attacked by another, violence is usually the best response. That said, PRE-EMPTIVE violence, violence utilized and initiated by one person (or country, as the case may be) to prevent a possible future attack by another, is very problematic in my view. It can often just devolve into sheer aggression, bullying, or simply becoming a predator with a self-serving justification for every violent act. "If I hadn't attacked him, he would have done all of these horrible things!"
I don't know if you were implying that I wouldn't act to protect myself or my family. That's insulting (and a bit of cheap rhetorical sleight-of-hand, I must say - "What on this earth would drive you to defend..." - phrased as though I've indicated I'd be a complete pacifist as some creep drags my kid into a dark basement). I most certainly WOULD act, of course, as would 99.8% (at least, I hope) of people. I would do whatever is necessary - using your words - "in the defense" of my family. What's kinda creepy is that I feel someone's demanding that I utter the words "I will KILL." Anyway, I would - are you happy? But see, the problem is that this thread has devolved to the assumption that this guy's mere PRESENCE in your building (on your block? in your neighborhood? in your city? - how far should a true vigilante reach to clean things up and protect himself and his family?) constitutes a direct threat equal to him slashing at your door with an ax and demanding you hand over your naked kids. It doesn't. My guess is that he committed his crimes quietly when given the opportunity (although I don't know, are these notices sent out for ANY kind of sex offense or only those perpetrated against minors? If he raped his wife, girlfriend, or ex- at knifepoint, would you be getting a notice?), quite possibly with kids and people that he knew, and who trusted him (compounding the tragedy of it all). We've all heard or read of horrific incidents of intra-family molestations. So right there, I'm thinking your situation is a whole lot better, as you won't give him the opportunity.
If I were in your situation I wouldn't take it upon myself to act as an unrecognized Department of Justice (Division of Corrections and Punishment), and give this guy some physical punishment that you feel he never received but should have. That much, I wouldn't do.
If I were in your situation and received that notice (btw, why NOT scan it and post a link to it here? You could always black-out any physical addresses), I would probably call any number listed and call them and press for further details.
Beyond that, you just take the obvious precautions. Have a good lock on the door. Bar your windows if you really feel HE is that aggressive, but I'm guessing that if he broke into people's homes and snatched, assaulted, and/or molested them, he PROBABLY wouldn't have served such a short sentence. I won't get into the guns issue.
Further, you don't let him around your kids. You tell your kids in no uncertain terms to stay well clear of him. That doesn't mean that if you're standing in your building lobby checking your mail with your kids at your side and he is walking past to leave the building that you need to lunge at the guy (or shoot him to act out your Bronson fantasy) to protect your kids. Give him the evil eye if you think that's helpful. Let him know that you know. Do I need to point out that you don't let him babysit your kids under any circumstances?
So, that's what I'd do, what I'd recommend.