A Sex Offender just moved in!!!!

Clearly you're not familiar with the Glock 36 or the Sig-Sauer 245, both of which are as small as a S&W .38 snub. And when it comes to using a pistol on another human, why on earth would you worry about 'too much firepower'? If it comes to firing a pistol at another human being- this ain't no 50's western- you'd better be willing to point that thing at the biggest target possible (main body) and start shooting. At that point, you're going to want as much knock down as you can get, as the old Danny Glover plan from "Lethal Weapon" is bullshit. You don't shoot to wound. If it's bad enough of a situation where you need to use a handgun, it's a bad enough situation to kill someone.

The sub-compact autos are every bit as concealable as a revolver.


No, I'm worried about concealment. They don't need a Desert Eagle to defend themselves. And yeah, I don't own a subscription to Gun Magazine (I am not too familiar with pistols), but I am a proud gun owner.


Staff member
I don't know how would I react if I had a sex offender in my neighborhood, aside carrying a buckmaster 184 or gerber mark II, I would always have a p14-45 loaded with corbon heaviest bullets, in case the fucker wants to commit crime, I would stab him or shoot him to death.


Staff member
And no one has asked you to tolerate sex crimes, and no one has hand-slapped you. But guess what, you live and work and breathe next to all sorts of ex-cons - even violent ones - all the time. The way society works is that when someone has served their time in jail or prison, they have served their time, and unless you see them actually attempting to engage in a crime, your Charles Bronson-like vigilance is really not necessary. If you so fervently believe that sex offenders should serve more time for their crimes, lobby your congressmen to change the laws. That is also how society works.

Perhaps you should look at the fugitive who got arrested on America most wanted http://www.amw.com/captures/browse_by_capture_date.cfm .
The ex cons remain dangerous, you think they can be that well reintegrated in the society? I think not, scum is scum. What happens when you dial 911 and the police arrives too late? The situation is screwed. That is why I would rather use a 44 mag or a wildey 478 magnum against a perp and injure him enough severely rather than being a victim of a fucking shit bag. Like Dirty Harry says: "'nothing wrong with shooting as long as the right people get shot."


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I have a confession to make. I, ChefChiTown, am a sex offender.

A few years ago, I was having sex with my ex-girlfriend (who was my girlfriend at the time) and I happened to slip a finger into her bunghole, which she found to be highly offensive.
Here's something the both of you should trully and deeply consider.....

It's because of people like ME that YOU are protected.

People like ME that YOU are allowed to speak your mind.

You may not like the way I think, or my John Wayne attitude, but it's that way of thinking and attitude that keeps you sleeping comfortably at night and not have a care or worry when it comes to your safety.

Oh please. Spare us the Colonel Nathan R. Jessup speech from "A Few Good Men". Most will remember that almost immediately after speaking those words the colonel was (quite rightfully in that situation) arrested.

Every responsible citizen of a free nation, civilian or soldier, contributes to the comfort of which you speak.

The concerned citizens of a nation stand watchdog over it's government such that its service men and women's lives won't be risked injudiciously.

Back on topic: I extend every sympathy to your lady for the horrible crime she suffered :( I've also been in relationship with a rape victim, so I can relate to your emotional state, and how difficult it is to process the associated sadness and anger. Ultimately however, a vigilante mindset is not the answer.


The Klan has a significant membership. There are also quite a few other groups with similar "ideas", goals and beliefs, like the Klan's (Stormfront, Aryan Nation, etc.). Also, the Klan can hold a rally on the street and draw substantial numbers of supporters, as well as opponents.

I can't think of the last time there was a NAMBLA rally anywhere. If so, did they draw even a dozen supporters.

As for NAMBLA trying to change the laws, can anyone here cite a single example of any legislator, at either the state or federal level, giving them a hearing. They're complete and absolute pariahs in society, and for good reason.

The Klan enjoys many pockets of explicit and implicit support.

There's a big difference.

Further, I think NAMBLA's largely mythical, something for people like stampede to use to incite fear and hostility in others... To the extent they actually exist, they hover somewhere between a gross joke and a complete societal pariah, hated by all except their tiny "membership". There is probably a pro-cannibalism "group" somewhere, too, but does anyone actually think they're about to make some serious impact on society? No.[ . . ]

..While all of this is going on, I have to almost laugh at how these "hate crime / poverty law centres" offer complete exemption to the likes of "Nationale Council of the RACE" aka - "LA Raza" a hispanic supremacy gang (organized criminal enterprise) that effectively hides under the cover of community service :rolleyes: while advancing their own personal interests, e.g. causing general havoc, human smuggling, bankrupting hospitals via attrition, peddling meth, claiming that they own the southwest.
Just pure genuine 5th columnist subversives, you know ?
Only the white man could be a racist in all of his efforts to maintain a safe city.

Don't you dare say a word about this protected group of revolutionaries !
Don't you dare resist these fine people when they arrive at your door, you purtianical, koo klux klaan racist ! The benefit of the doubt rests on you, whitey !
Oh please. Spare us the Colonel Nathan R. Jessup speech from "A Few Good Men". Most will remember that almost immediately after speaking those words the colonel was (quite rightfully in that situation) arrested.

Every responsible citizen of a free nation, civilian or soldier, contributes to the comfort of which you speak.

The concerned citizens of a nation stand watchdog over it's government such that its service men and women's lives won't be risked injudiciously.

Back on topic: I extend every sympathy to your lady for the horrible crime she suffered :( I've also been in relationship with a rape victim, so I can relate to your emotional state, and how difficult it is to process the associated sadness and anger. Ultimately however, a vigilante mindset is not the answer.

Okay... This is the second thread you've got on me about my words and how I use them..

What is your problem?

How can you call me out and then give me sympathy?? :wtf:

Make up your mind.
How can you call me out and then give me sympathy?? :wtf:

Make up your mind.

I don't see why it's mutually exclusive, if you know what I mean. We weren't always of the same opinion here, but of course you got my sympathies for what happened. At least that's my opinion. Can't dismiss a person because you disagree on one subject.
Lighten up. ;)
Okay... This is the second thread you've got on me about my words and how I use them..

What is your problem?

How can you call me out and then give me sympathy?? :wtf:

Make up your mind.

No, what is YOUR problem.

I feel the same way. I strongly disagree with a lot of your views, at least those I've seen in a couple of threads here, HOWEVER that's no reason why I can't have some sympathy for you and - especially - your girl for what happened, which sounds truly awful, sickening, horrible, tragic, etc.

Maybe you're projecting? When YOU disagree with someone on certain issues do you just automatically put them in the "enemy" box and stop thinking of them as a human you can have any concern for? If so (and I'm not saying it IS so, I'm actually asking you the question), that would be sad, I think...
No, what is YOUR problem.

I feel the same way. I strongly disagree with a lot of your views, at least those I've seen in a couple of threads here, HOWEVER that's no reason why I can't have some sympathy for you and - especially - your girl for what happened, which sounds truly awful, sickening, horrible, tragic, etc.

Maybe you're projecting? When YOU disagree with someone on certain issues do you just automatically put them in the "enemy" box and stop thinking of them as a human you can have any concern for? If so (and I'm not saying it IS so, I'm actually asking you the question), that would be sad, I think...


Shin and I discussed this in a PM, but I'll tell you the same thing.

Bodie was calling me out with my "drama" on another thread well as this one. Which is no big deal, he has that right. And no, I didn't bash him for it, either.

However... to call me out and then in the same breath to offer sympathies is a little confusing. He could have elaborated a little more or said it differently.

I don't consider him or you or anyone an enemy.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Okay... This is the second thread you've got on me about my words and how I use them..

What is your problem?

How can you call me out and then give me sympathy?? :wtf:

Make up your mind.

You read his response wrong.

He said that he extends sympathy to your girlfriend, for what she went through; not you.

:2 cents:
Real women carry a .45
Bullshit, real women carry the .50 Desert Eagle (That provides Charles Bronson like vigilance)....

And maybe a P90 / 5-7 combo, but you got to know people to get the combo....

I'll stick to my MP7A1. Small, compact, lethal as hell. And maybe a 870 Remington, short barrel, 4+1, no choke, with breach rounds (the aluminum ones)


Oh and bodie, you know that line you put...

Oh please. Spare us the Colonel Nathan R. Jessup speech from "A Few Good Men". Most will remember that almost immediately after speaking those words the colonel was (quite rightfully in that situation) arrested.

Let me tell you, in real life he wasn't even court marshaled, and guess what I'd trust my source on that... and just like CNN won't give their sources up, neither shall I.
I just checked my mailbox this morning and found a notice that an individual that was convicted of "Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor" and "Corruption of a Minor" now lives in the same apartment complex as I do!!!

The world is going to hell.

Kill him.
Kill him.

I treasure, admire and aspire to your straightforewardness, Pete. :D

Yes, yes, yes!!!! Kill him.

Maybe the guy who lives across the street and served 5 years for beating his ex-wife within an inch of her life (but didn't sexually assault anybody) - and whose moving into the neighborhood after he got out didn't require a notice to the community - can help you to take him out.

It is up to you, Noble Citizen, to clean things up. Killing is a virtue when you are doing it.

Yes, yes, yes!!!! Kill him.

Maybe the guy who lives across the street and served 5 years for beating his ex-wife within an inch of her life (but didn't sexually assault anybody) - and whose moving into the neighborhood after he got out didn't require a notice to the community - can help you to take him out.

It is up to you, Noble Citizen, to clean things up. Killing is a virtue when you are doing it.



Put yourself in my shoes for a minute, and tell us what you would do, how you would feel.

I understand that your a non-violent, and want to see everyone as equal. But what on this earth would drive you to a defend yourself, your family?

To kill, if necessary, in the defense of your family if the situation called for it.

Put yourself in my shoes for a minute, and tell us what you would do, how you would feel.

I understand that your a non-violent, and want to see everyone as equal. But what on this earth would drive you to a defend yourself, your family?

To kill, if necessary, in the defense of your family if the situation called for it.

I appreciate your ratcheting the tone down a bit, stampede, so an actual discussion can take place. :hatsoff:

First, let me correct your assumption that I "see everyone as equal". I don't. There are many differences among individuals and that seems obvious enough. As for non-violence, I think non-violence should be a default way of going about one's life, but when actually attacked by another, violence is usually the best response. That said, PRE-EMPTIVE violence, violence utilized and initiated by one person (or country, as the case may be) to prevent a possible future attack by another, is very problematic in my view. It can often just devolve into sheer aggression, bullying, or simply becoming a predator with a self-serving justification for every violent act. "If I hadn't attacked him, he would have done all of these horrible things!"

I don't know if you were implying that I wouldn't act to protect myself or my family. That's insulting (and a bit of cheap rhetorical sleight-of-hand, I must say - "What on this earth would drive you to defend..." - phrased as though I've indicated I'd be a complete pacifist as some creep drags my kid into a dark basement). I most certainly WOULD act, of course, as would 99.8% (at least, I hope) of people. I would do whatever is necessary - using your words - "in the defense" of my family. What's kinda creepy is that I feel someone's demanding that I utter the words "I will KILL." Anyway, I would - are you happy? But see, the problem is that this thread has devolved to the assumption that this guy's mere PRESENCE in your building (on your block? in your neighborhood? in your city? - how far should a true vigilante reach to clean things up and protect himself and his family?) constitutes a direct threat equal to him slashing at your door with an ax and demanding you hand over your naked kids. It doesn't. My guess is that he committed his crimes quietly when given the opportunity (although I don't know, are these notices sent out for ANY kind of sex offense or only those perpetrated against minors? If he raped his wife, girlfriend, or ex- at knifepoint, would you be getting a notice?), quite possibly with kids and people that he knew, and who trusted him (compounding the tragedy of it all). We've all heard or read of horrific incidents of intra-family molestations. So right there, I'm thinking your situation is a whole lot better, as you won't give him the opportunity.

If I were in your situation I wouldn't take it upon myself to act as an unrecognized Department of Justice (Division of Corrections and Punishment), and give this guy some physical punishment that you feel he never received but should have. That much, I wouldn't do.

If I were in your situation and received that notice (btw, why NOT scan it and post a link to it here? You could always black-out any physical addresses), I would probably call any number listed and call them and press for further details.

Beyond that, you just take the obvious precautions. Have a good lock on the door. Bar your windows if you really feel HE is that aggressive, but I'm guessing that if he broke into people's homes and snatched, assaulted, and/or molested them, he PROBABLY wouldn't have served such a short sentence. I won't get into the guns issue.

Further, you don't let him around your kids. You tell your kids in no uncertain terms to stay well clear of him. That doesn't mean that if you're standing in your building lobby checking your mail with your kids at your side and he is walking past to leave the building that you need to lunge at the guy (or shoot him to act out your Bronson fantasy) to protect your kids. Give him the evil eye if you think that's helpful. Let him know that you know. Do I need to point out that you don't let him babysit your kids under any circumstances?

So, that's what I'd do, what I'd recommend.
Bodie was calling me out with my "drama" on another thread well as this one. Which is no big deal, he has that right. And no, I didn't bash him for it, either.

However... to call me out and then in the same breath to offer sympathies is a little confusing.

I'm sorry you feel that way :dunno:
Facial King and Shindekudasai (posts 88 and 89) have already basically given you the same answer I would have had I been here first. Just because imo you've exhibited two overly dramatic moments doesn't mean I've concluded you're a full time drama queen lol. And even if I had already concluded that; even if we disagreed on every single issue imaginable; that would never exclude you from being the recipient of my sympathy when it comes to suffering that's common to the human condition.
A good friend of mine ...

A good friend of mine did something stupid when he was 18. It was disgusting. But a lot of young people do stupid things.

Luckily it's off his criminal record now. I'm sure if it happened today, things would be different, and he'd have trouble holding down a job.

Instead, he is a leader in his field now. If you get close enough to him, he'll tell you about it. But he is hardly a threat to society or little girls for that matter.

But the labelling doesn't tell the difference. Today you can accidentally download kiddie porn in a batch and get convicted. I've seen a number of people running their own ISPs get that mark. Including another associate of mine I regularly use for business.

My associate has a far bigger mark on his record for virtually doing nothing than the aforementioned colleague who actually violated a relative, but has no such mark on his. So I don't judge.