A Sex Offender just moved in!!!!

Wow, Just like the KKK ! :o :p

The Klan has a significant membership. There are also quite a few other groups with similar "ideas", goals and beliefs, like the Klan's (Stormfront, Aryan Nation, etc.). Also, the Klan can hold a rally on the street and draw substantial numbers of supporters, as well as opponents.

I can't think of the last time there was a NAMBLA rally anywhere. If so, did they draw even a dozen supporters.

As for NAMBLA trying to change the laws, can anyone here cite a single example of any legislator, at either the state or federal level, giving them a hearing. They're complete and absolute pariahs in society, and for good reason.

The Klan enjoys many pockets of explicit and implicit support.

There's a big difference.

Further, I think NAMBLA's largely mythical, something for people like stampede to use to incite fear and hostility in others... To the extent they actually exist, they hover somewhere between a gross joke and a complete societal pariah, hated by all except their tiny "membership". There is probably a pro-cannibalism "group" somewhere, too, but does anyone actually think they're about to make some serious impact on society? No.

See here (but be careful, maybe some SWAT team protecting the children will break down your door and confiscate your computer and beat you up just for reading ABOUT the group!):

"Since then, the organization has kept membership data private, but an undercover FBI investigation in 1995 discovered that there were 1,100 people on the rolls.[4] It is the largest organization in the umbrella group Ipce[6] (formerly "International Pedophile and Child Emancipation").[6]

Since 1995, public criticism and law enforcement infiltration have heavily impaired the organization. Its national headquarters now consists of little more than a private mail box service in San Francisco, and they rarely respond to inquiries. Some reports state that the group no longer has regular national meetings and few local monthly meetings, and that as of the late 1990s to avoid local police infiltration, the organization discouraged the formation of local chapters....."

Going back to the NAMBLA and Klan comparison the Klan entry at Wiki says this:

"KKK members have stepped up recruitment in recent years but the organization continues to grow slowly, with membership estimated at 5,000-8,000 across 179 chapters. These latest drives have seized upon issues such as people's anxieties about illegal immigration, urban crime and same-sex marriage."

...and keep in mind, that's JUST the Klan, not the other groups with similar beliefs and goals. Just off the top of my head, I can't think of any other group that has a purpose similar to NAMBLA's, can anyone else?
We're currently importing the mindset. Guess who ?
As I'm guessing you're probably talking about the same thing that is also happening where I live, I'd say one should rather use the word "immigrating" than "importing", don't you think? They are not goods and they are not brought into the country. They are people and they come to your country to be part of your society. That's something you'll have to deal with.

So you don't mind that sort of thing when our laws are relaxed to accommodate specific cultures / ethnic groups ? One set of rules for each ethnic group ? Have you ever heard of The Culture Defense in the application of law ? It's very dangerous.
Why should we not allow muslims to live out their religion? Of course everyone should be allowed to bring a part of their culture. How do you think, many of the great cultures that exist today (Japanese, German, French,...) came into existence? They were mixtures of different tribes, cultures, ethnic groups. If the US is to survive as a democratic, free nation, the US will assimilate them, no worries.

While I believe that she's a nutter / mental case study, she broke no laws.
Well, you wait and see. If one of her kids is dying of hunger or runs in front of a car because mum was shooting a porn and couldn't watch out for all 14 of them at the same time or something else like that (I know, exaggerated scenarios...), half the US will be crying out "Negligent homicide!" or something like that or "Kill the doctor who impregnated her!" or "Why is there no law against such things?!", and some farmer in Arkansas will probably even say to his wife "Where is my pitchfork?!". ;)

On a more general note regarding the whole "muslim" dispute:
I don't mean to lump together everyone living in the US here, but don't you think this whole "anti-muslim rant" going on in the US isn't even a bit two-faced on your part? I mean, isn't the US the country where Scientology is "running wild" (like Hulkamania :D )? Everyone else in the world thinks they're dangerous. Germany, Austria, Japan and many other "western"/democratic societies don't even grant them the status of "religion" rather than that of a sect.
And wouldn't you be offended if muslims would start to label you all as child murderers, anti-semits or religious madmen because christians started the crusades, religious and political persecutions/hunts of jews, witches or dissidents (for example during the red scare in the 1950s) or even dropped the first atomic bombs? Seriously, man, don't blow this out of proportion. Islam is one of five world religions and about ten major religions (practized by at least 5 Millions people). It's only the islamic and christian fundamentalists getting at each others throat and when they get violent, the state will slap their wrists. At least our state does that....


I have no doubt that this thread has had that effect on you. I would guess that is largely how you live your life. Everything you see, hear and do just firms up your existing views. You are always "discovering" that you were right all along about everything. And you say you ran a political talk show? Why am I not surprised? This sounds much like the right-wing blowhard political "talk" (listen to me tell you how right I was, am and will always be!!) shows on the radio - Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, O'Reilly, Savage, etc.

So you go out there and you have those politicians pass some legislation that keeps any and all sex offenders behind bars for life, either that or has them executed. Because clearly that is the only way to keep "us" safe and allow us to crawl out from under our beds, where we are - apparently - constantly quivering in fear.

And yes, this thread has shown how people "tolerate" sex offenders, as in them committing sex offenses. You know and I know, and anyone with an ounce of gray matter knows that is complete and utter :bs:

This post is classic F-K "complete and utter :bs:".

I believe I can safely say that stampede2873 most likely isn't concerned about keeping you safe, so please stay under your bed constantly quivering in fear.
Knowing enough children that have had lasting trauma from various molestations, and knowing the recidivism rate of sex offenders is extremely high, I applaud those who want to remove the real offenders from society without sacrificing more little lives to some PC attitude of "they might be better now".
Funny how you are so tolerant when you aren't at risk, willing to let others suffer to make sure the poor guy isn't unjustly treated.
And yet you jump to immediate conclusions about stampede2873, no problem for you there. Most of what you said is contrary to what he has said and posted in other threads, but you seem to have no problem with doing exactly the same thing you diss him for.
"Why am I not surprised?":rofl:
I believe I can safely say that stampede2873 most likely isn't concerned about keeping you safe, so please stay under your bed constantly quivering in fear.
Knowing enough children that have had lasting trauma from various molestations, and knowing the recidivism rate of sex offenders is extremely high, I applaud those who want to remove the real offenders from society without sacrificing more little lives to some PC attitude of "they might be better now".
Funny how you are so tolerant when you aren't at risk, willing to let others suffer to make sure the poor guy isn't unjustly treated.
And yet you jump to immediate conclusions about stampede2873, no problem for you there. Most of what you said is contrary to what he has said and posted in other threads, but you seem to have no problem with doing exactly the same thing you diss him for.
"Why am I not surprised?":rofl:

Can you please elaborate and cite some quotes and such? At this point you just seem to be a guy who's been humiliated and has a grudge...



Can you please elaborate and cite some quotes and such? At this point you just seem to be a guy who's been humiliated and has a grudge...


What are you smoking?
Get something else, quick...
How have I been humiliated? By you, or the Monkey Guy?

If anything, you and a few others here serve to verify the quality and intelligence of the members I do like and respect, by extreme contrast.
Not that they don't stand out on their own, but... thanks for the comic relief and negative perspective!:thumbsup:
This post is classic F-K "complete and utter :bs:".

I believe I can safely say that stampede2873 most likely isn't concerned about keeping you safe, so please stay under your bed constantly quivering in fear.
Knowing enough children that have had lasting trauma from various molestations, and knowing the recidivism rate of sex offenders is extremely high, I applaud those who want to remove the real offenders from society without sacrificing more little lives to some PC attitude of "they might be better now".
Funny how you are so tolerant when you aren't at risk, willing to let others suffer to make sure the poor guy isn't unjustly treated.
And yet you jump to immediate conclusions about stampede2873, no problem for you there. Most of what you said is contrary to what he has said and posted in other threads, but you seem to have no problem with doing exactly the same thing you diss him for.
"Why am I not surprised?":rofl:

You have no proof of anything and no knowledge of anything this "sex offender" did. You have never seen him, never spoken to him, never heard his opinion, never gained a glimpse of his character and have no background information about what has happened. Yet he is to be banned from society in your opinion. If that isn't fear-mongering out of pure fear of the unknown and out of pure stereotypical prejudice, than I don't know what is. Please, find me a sociological definition that says otherwise.

And where did Facial_King "jump" to conclusions? He concluded (and rightly so) from the behaviour, opinions and statements, that stampede throws around constantly. He drew a picture from the excessive expression and utterance of opinion by stampede. If I can't judge someone by what he/she says here, by what may I judge him/her instead? His/her avatar only?....oh wait, you've done that before, monkey remembers!

This isn't about children's traumas or really and truly convicted sex offenders. Nobody argues that molesting a child is wrong and should be harshly punished. But this is about your narrow-mindedness and you stereotypical thinking paired with the attempt to get revenge for previous humiliations in other threads.
What are you smoking?
Get something else, quick...
How have I been humiliated? By you, or the Monkey Guy?

If anything, you and a few others here serve to verify the quality and intelligence of the members I do like and respect, by extreme contrast.
Not that they don't stand out on their own, but... thanks for the comic relief and negative perspective!:thumbsup:

This is just childish. Laughing if you don't have a worthy reply and even drawing others into this by making them choose sides and sucking up to them, just because you have no valid points of your own. May I quote "Puleeze!".
There are members here I may not like, but I may still respect them for their valid opinions or good arguments. For you I have lost all respect.


You have no proof of anything and no knowledge of anything this "sex offender" did. You have never seen him, never spoken to him, never heard his opinion, never gained a glimpse of his character and have no background information about what has happened. Yet he is to be banned from society in your opinion. If that isn't fear-mongering out of pure fear of the unknown and out of pure stereotypical prejudice, than I don't know what is. Please, find me a sociological definition that says otherwise.

And where did Facial_King "jump" to conclusions? He concluded (and rightly so) from the behaviour, opinions and statements, that stampede throws around constantly. He drew a picture from the excessive expression and utterance of opinion by stampede. If I can't judge someone by what he/she says here, by what may I judge him/her instead? His/her avatar only?....oh wait, you've done that before, monkey remembers!

This isn't about children's traumas or really and truly convicted sex offenders. Nobody argues that molesting a child is wrong and should be harshly punished. But this is about your narrow-mindedness and you stereotypical thinking paired with the attempt to get revenge for previous humiliations in other threads.

You two need to get over yourselves...
Your 2 dimensional thinking is far from devastating, and your constant leaping to unfounded conclusions (and running with them) has become your signature status.
You two need to get over yourselves...
Your 2 dimensional thinking is far from devastating, and your constant leaping to unfounded conclusions (and running with them) has become your signature status.

You obviously are without shame...and brain. Always right no matter what and always the last word.
Sorry, baby girl, this was the last time I answered to anything you said. As you have proven yourself incapable of intelligent and mature behaviour, everything you say will be rendered null and void in my mind from now on. I have a life to live. I don't need headaches from you.
Facial King and Shindekudasai,

Why is it wrong for me to want to PROTECT. Why is it wrong for me to feel that sexual predators are sick and they are wrong for society.

As you both have ignored, I have stated this, uh, gentleman is a TWO time offender.
There was a span of 2 years in between both offenses and he was in his mid 20's when the offenses occured.

Here's something the both of you should trully and deeply consider.....

It's because of people like ME that YOU are protected.

People like ME that YOU are allowed to speak your mind.

You may not like the way I think, or my John Wayne attitude, but it's that way of thinking and attitude that keeps you sleeping comfortably at night and not have a care or worry when it comes to your safety.
We could simplify things if we either A) castrated them or, B) enplanted a chip or tracking device of some sort for where they were at all times. Slipery slope for option 'B,' though, because at that rate they would probably start enplanting chips in all of us. I like option 'A' better. Cut their peckers off. :thumbsup:
Facial King and Shindekudasai,

Why is it wrong for me to want to PROTECT. Why is it wrong for me to feel that sexual predators are sick and they are wrong for society.

As you both have ignored, I have stated this, uh, gentleman is a TWO time offender.
There was a span of 2 years in between both offenses and he was in his mid 20's when the offenses occured.

Here's something the both of you should trully and deeply consider.....

It's because of people like ME that YOU are protected.

People like ME that YOU are allowed to speak your mind.

You may not like the way I think, or my John Wayne attitude, but it's that way of thinking and attitude that keeps you sleeping comfortably at night and not have a care or worry when it comes to your safety.
There is nothing wrong with you wanting to protect and there is nothing wrong with disliking sexual predators. And of course we're all part of a society and are responsible for ourselves and partly responsible for one another. That's not the issue here.

The issues here is, that it's not up to you to judge whether somebody is a "sexual predator" (mind what you're saying: predator) or a scumbag or whatever based on a piece of paper in your mail distributed by a state that is known worldwide for it's rigorous policy when it comes to sexuality. Very well, he has done something twice. You still don't know what he has done or under what circumstances. Sure, it makes it more likely that he has a serious problem, still he's not a mass murderer already getting his knife out. If you see him going after a minor or downloading child pornography or something of that sort, call the police. Restrain him if you must. At least that's what I'd do. But it's not up to you to deal out any punishment or justice. When I see an alcoholic treating his wife badly, I won't go to him, slap his drink out of his hand, spit in his face and outchase him with a pitchfork, alone because he's an alcoholic. Even if I'd like to do that sometimes. I will very well step in if he starts abusing or beating her, but that's a different story.

It's not because of people like you that I'm allowed to speak my mind and that I'm protected. That's not your job. It's because of my own capability, my country's police and the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, that I'm allowed to do so. And society supports and at the same time "constricts" me in that. Vigilante justice is only appropriate to a certain point. You haven't even found that point and already start with the vigilante justice. Grow up and back up, that's all I'm saying.

@Bloodshot Scott: Believe it or not, option B is the better one at the moment. Testing with chemical treatment (castration by pills and not by knife if you will) in our country has shown, that it won't help to attack fertility, because the urge is not implanted in your "pecker" or you scrotum or whatever. ;) There is however the possibility of treatment with sedative-like drugs that are still in development. And the results so far are promising in most cases, as far as I know.
There is nothing wrong with you wanting to protect and there is nothing wrong with disliking sexual predators. And of course we're all part of a society and are responsible for ourselves and partly responsible for one another. That's not the issue here.

The issues here is, that it's not up to you to judge whether somebody is a "sexual predator" (mind what you're saying: predator) or a scumbag or whatever based on a piece of paper in your mail distributed by a state that is known worldwide for it's rigorous policy when it comes to sexuality. Very well, he has done something twice. You still don't know what he has done or under what circumstances. Sure, it makes it more likely that he has a serious problem, still he's not a mass murderer already getting his knife out. If you see him going after a minor or downloading child pornography or something of that sort, call the police. Restrain him if you must. At least that's what I'd do. But it's not up to you to deal out any punishment or justice. When I see an alcoholic treating his wife badly, I won't go to him, slap his drink out of his hand, spit in his face and outchase him with a pitchfork, alone because he's an alcoholic. Even if I'd like to do that sometimes. I will very well step in if he starts abusing or beating her, but that's a different story.

It's not because of people like you that I'm allowed to speak my mind and that I'm protected. That's not your job. It's because of my own capability, my country's police and the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, that I'm allowed to do so. And society supports and at the same time "constricts" me in that. Vigilante justice is only appropriate to a certain point. You haven't even found that point and already start with the vigilante justice. Grow up and back up, that's all I'm saying.

@Bloodshot Scott: Believe it or not, option B is the better one at the moment. Testing with chemical treatment (castration by pills and not by knife if you will) in our country has shown, that it won't help to attack fertility, because the urge is not implanted in your "pecker" or you scrotum or whatever. ;) There is however the possibility of treatment with sedative-like drugs that are still in development. And the results so far are promising in most cases, as far as I know.

Well, for one... I apologize, I did not realise you were from Germany. SO, that is that is my mistake.

As far as this thread is concerned... I started it as an OH God look what just happened. Then the thread BLEW up from there.

Yes, I said predator. Not offender. There are differences as cited in MANY posts on this thread. However, as far as I'm concerned, if your convicted more than once of something then it is a trend, and in this case it means an individual becomes a predator.

As far as "growing up and backing up" are concerned... There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with my attitude or behavior. Telling me to grow up is nonsense. If I was whining like a child then yes, I would expect to be told something like that. However, This is not the case and your dismissive behavior is foolish.

As far as backing up.... just not my style. :thumbsup:


This is just childish. Laughing if you don't have a worthy reply and even drawing others into this by making them choose sides and sucking up to them, just because you have no valid points of your own. May I quote "Puleeze!".
There are members here I may not like, but I may still respect them for their valid opinions or good arguments. For you I have lost all respect.

Why am I not crushed and devastated? Oh, yeah...

You obviously are without shame...and brain. Always right no matter what and always the last word.
Sorry, baby girl, this was the last time I answered to anything you said. As you have proven yourself incapable of intelligent and mature behaviour, everything you say will be rendered null and void in my mind from now on. I have a life to live. I don't need headaches from you.

Thank you!:nanner:
As far as "growing up and backing up" are concerned... There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with my attitude or behavior. Telling me to grow up is nonsense. If I was whining like a child then yes, I would expect to be told something like that. However, This is not the case and your dismissive behavior is foolish.

Well, maybe it came out wrong. I meant "grow up" more in a "responsible, democratic society" kind of way, not in a "don't behave like a whiny child" kind of way.
But, I guess, our opinions just differ in this point. That's your given right anyway. Just do me the favor and don't shoot him. ;) Even if it wasn't serious talk, it would be pretty damn stupid to go to jail over someone you despise. I'd say, you would have attached too much value/importance to a person you don't even know.
That's too much firepower; not discreet enough. .38 snub would be the best; packs a kick and it is 'concealable' enough. ;)

Clearly you're not familiar with the Glock 36 or the Sig-Sauer 245, both of which are as small as a S&W .38 snub. And when it comes to using a pistol on another human, why on earth would you worry about 'too much firepower'? If it comes to firing a pistol at another human being- this ain't no 50's western- you'd better be willing to point that thing at the biggest target possible (main body) and start shooting. At that point, you're going to want as much knock down as you can get, as the old Danny Glover plan from "Lethal Weapon" is bullshit. You don't shoot to wound. If it's bad enough of a situation where you need to use a handgun, it's a bad enough situation to kill someone.

The sub-compact autos are every bit as concealable as a revolver.



Official Checked Star Member
Why did I fucking open this thread?
Why did I look at that damn "www.familywatchdog.us" website?
Why do I know one of the dudes on this damn site and he lives in my neighborhood and works in the industry??!!!

Okay I'm done with the internet for the rest of the day.
Great topic. :thumbsup: