Well I think it would be better to ask CBS, CNN, ABC, and MSNBC why they didn't announce it when it appeared on the wire services.
I remember all of those outlets airing speculation that WMDs were being moved to Syria. Do you have evidence that's actually where all of Iraq's (theoretical) ones ended up? If so, I'd imagine many discredited members of the Bush administration, including Bush himself, would be very interested to hear from you.
There were no WMD's in Iraq at the time but that they had been there but try and explain that to a liberal. I mean they have a hard time understanding that the only correct answer to 4+4 is 8.
Sorry, but I don't think it's the liberals who were the dummies in this instance. If necessary I could reference a number of Bush admin people who were quite certain there were WMD in Iraq at the time, and assured us they knew where we'd find them. For now I'll just quote one, Donald Rumsfeld:
"We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat."
[size=-2]ABC News interview, March 30 2003[/size]