9/11 Inside Work?

Was 11th September, 2001 a conspiracy committed by the U.S.A. government? What makes you think so?

Personally, I don't think so. There is no evidence for it. I hear people say "fire cannot melt steel". But it didn't melt it. It weakened it. Also there was an explosion, when TONS of metal and jet fuel went into at hundreds of miles per hour. Damaged building and it's fireproofing.

Also, I hear about World Trade Center building 7 a lot. Why would it collapse. It was hit by debris, and allowed to burn by the side all day.
You´ve probably seen the Zeitgeist-movie. It leaves me with big :confused: to the official version. If you don´t know the movie, check Infowars.com.
It could've been. It's ludicrous for people to just brush these sort of theories off like people claiming them are some sort of nutters. American government is so corrupt and Washinton so secretive. It very well could be that our government did this...maybe not. But we'll never know.


There are some peculiarities though, like the debris field of flight 93. That aircraft didn't crash in a central location and mysteriously disappear into the earth like "they" say. It was ordered to be shot down, as hard as that is to fathom. But, hey, The gumment should cover the identity of the fighter pilot that was just following orders. :o
The ''let's roll'' story . . . a buncha hogwash ! and probably for "good" reasons.
There are some peculiarities though, like the debris field of flight 93. That aircraft didn't crash in a central location and mysteriously disappear into the earth like "they" say. It was ordered to be shot down, as hard as that is to fathom. But, hey, The gumment should cover the identity of the fighter pilot that was just following orders. :o
The ''let's roll'' story . . . a buncha hogwash ! and probably for "good" reasons.

Yeah, I'm just saying, don't everybody just simply believe everything because it's convinient. There is so much corruption in the Govt, we don't even know the half.

PS: I wanna sneak into area 51. :cool: Lord knows what's goin on there.
All I know is the way the buildings fell so neat could only be done by demolition. Meaning they blew the thing up. I do not believe that those buildings fell because of those planes.
All I know is the way the buildings fell so neat could only be done by demolition. Meaning they blew the thing up. I do not believe that those buildings fell because of those planes.

Didn't several of the hijackers over stay their visas? We can thank the Gov for that.
There are some peculiarities though, like the debris field of flight 93. That aircraft didn't crash in a central location and mysteriously disappear into the earth like "they" say.

What does this mean? It was going 500 mph speed into the ground.

It was ordered to be shot down, as hard as that is to fathom. But, hey, The gumment should cover the identity of the fighter pilot that was just following orders. :o

Do you believe that it was hijacked at all? Or was it shot down after being hijacked.?

The ''let's roll'' story . . . a buncha hogwash ! and probably for "good" reasons.

What so weird about "let's roll"?

Yeah, I'm just saying, don't everybody just simply believe everything because it's convinient. There is so much corruption in the Govt, we don't even know the half.

PS: I wanna sneak into area 51. :cool: Lord knows what's goin on there.

I definently don't believe everything the U.S.A government says. It is very corrupt. I just believe what the evidence says. There is alot of bullshit out. I am an atheist, skeptic, libertarian and freethinker. Evidence, evidence, evidence.

All I know is the way the buildings fell so neat could only be done by demolition. Meaning they blew the thing up. I do not believe that those buildings fell because of those planes.

What would should it have looked like?

Didn't several of the hijackers over stay their visas? We can thank the Gov for that.

There will always be unexplained, strange and unusual things happening in such a case ; if there were none things would look suspicious, too pat.Don't make the error of thinking that unexplained or strange factors point to anything untoward.So the buildings didn't fall down as you expected? On what basis were you to expect anything? That sequence of events hasn't happened before.
There is simply no chance that this could be the result of a giant conspiracy , there are many reasons from sheer common sense upwards.Such a plot just couldn't be kept secret,you can't guarantee everybody will keep quiet.The government departments involved would be mainly staffed by patriotic Americans who wouldn't go along with things.It was in any case the sort of thing where the outcome was unpredictable and would have been too risky to contemplate.


Didn't several of the hijackers over stay their visas? We can thank the Gov for that.

. . .not to mention the 20 plus million population of who knows whos, that reside here due to governmental shortcomings of their native country.
But, hey ! Wall Street and in the know, invested bureaucrats can make assets out of desperate, non documented people. After all, Cheap Labor = $$$ Higher Quartery Profits ! $$$ "So what if our new, bargain rate, undocumented labor force requires housing and sustenance living subsidies ! We'll pay for it and write it off of corporate taxes, or some such . . ."
:thefinger F. you ! You High Priced American Labor Force ! Step aside . . . The rich will get richer and the middle class will become reduced to the serfdom of the unemployed !
Say one word about deportation . . . you are a racist !

Just spiralin' out of control here :rolleyes: :helpme:

For control.



Take a Hit, Spunker!
I believe it was an inside job on some level. If the government can kill the president of the United States, i.e. JFK(and yes it was a conspiracy), they can sure as hell blow up some planes and buildings and kill a few thousand people. I do NOT trust the government at all. I do not believe anything the government tells me....NOTHING. I love my country with all my heart, but the government needs to be questioned.

Will E Worm

All I know is the way the buildings fell so neat could only be done by demolition. Meaning they blew the thing up. I do not believe that those buildings fell because of those planes.

Architects have said the same thing. The architects who built the World Trade Buildings said they were built to take many hits from planes bigger than the planes that supposedly hit the towers.

What about all the buildings around the world that caught fire and burned for days and never fell?
The fire never melted or weaken the steel.

Also, look at the close ups of the buildings on youtube.
You will see thermite leaking from the buildings.

No one can bring down a hard target without using shape charges on the columns.
A hard target is comprised of steel reinforced by concrete.

It was definitely an inside job.
Just another Reichstag to make the sheeple give up their freedoms for false security.


Closed Account
I dont want to sound like a 9/11 wacko, but I do question building 7! However, would our government really go through this much hassle of trying to pursue us into believing in foreign threat?
If it was up to me...according to images of the pentagon I've seen, I believe it to be inside work.

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Wth you can only attach one file. But anyway...now look at this. They did say a place hit the pentagon. But where the hell's the evidence that a plane did it? There was this other picture I saw couple of years back (but can't seem to find now) where a few computers inside the damaged part of the pentagon were completely fine. Which I could only think of as an inside job.

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Closed Account

For control.



1. Reasons to step up operations in Afghanistan and Iraq in the publics eye (justification)
2. To install new control on Americans ("let's see.....what can we do to enact something the american people would never, ever approve of.... hmmmm how about we over-use the word 'terror' Mr. President, that'll surely put the scare into them!"):
"President Bush signed a new "anti-terrorism" law Oct. 26 (2001) that grants law enforcement authorities sweeping new surveillance powers that are not limited to terrorism investigations..."

Does anyone here who opposes the thought of an inside job realise just how much outside cooperation non-experienced pilots would need to succesfully fly planes into buildings from thousands of feet above the ground?! I mean come on... from up there, even skyscrapers are tiny.
And what about that "conveniently" found terrorist passport, lol, in the wreckage of the towers.....
people, they really, really think we are stupid.
By the way,
by posting and/or reading this thread, we are all immediately 'Red listed' as possible threats.
so enjoy life while you can

1. Reasons to step up operations in Afghanistan and Iraq in the publics eye (justification)
2. To install new control on Americans ("let's see.....what can we do to enact something the american people would never, ever approve of.... hmmmm how about we over-use the word 'terror' Mr. President, that'll surely put the scare into them!"):
"President Bush signed a new "anti-terrorism" law Oct. 26 (2001) that grants law enforcement authorities sweeping new surveillance powers that are not limited to terrorism investigations..."

Does anyone here who opposes the thought of an inside job realise just how much outside cooperation non-experienced pilots would need to succesfully fly planes into buildings from thousands of feet above the ground?! I mean come on... from up there, even skyscrapers are tiny.
And what about that "conveniently" found terrorist passport, lol, in the wreckage of the towers.....
people, they really, really think we are stupid.
By the way,
by posting and/or reading this thread, we are all immediately 'Red listed' as possible threats.
so enjoy life while you can

Exactly! They needed a reason to continue with stealing fking oil from the middle east. If anyone can find the image of the computers inside the pentagon please post it up.