Lol, just a couple days ago I was on Halo 3 and this kid was pissed I got the sniper first. He betrayed me which I ignored, but he kept talking. I kept saying things like "that's great" and "why are you so upset over a game"? He got pissed by me saying things and not going to his level. He then said he's going to hack my computer, x box 360, and send 70 bots to me to ruin my life. I said "Wow I haven't heard that one before". He went on to say "you don't believe me kid I'm going to come find you in real life and kick your ass!" I just laughed and muted him.
Kids should not be allowed to play M17 games if they can't control themselves. I wonder how these kids act in real life.
Stupid kids (and stupid adults that act like kids), the worst thing about playing online games.