5 Alabama Cops Fired For Beating Unconscious Perp Who'd Been Ejected From His Car

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Yeah they are human but that's the reason why they get specialized training to keep them from responding like the average person may or may not respond. Whether some have feigned being unconscious or not in the past, it's clear to anyone with hint of common sense THAT GUY wasn't. I expect a cop to know that if someone is tumbling in a vehicle....if the person somehow manages not to bang their noggin on some hard enough to get knocked out, the G forces will definitely knock them out.

I always say that the only way a person can't endure a punishment for an action and not lose self-respect for themselves is if the greater crime would be inaction. Therefore, if you believe your actions (even though illegal) are morally justifiable in your mind...then I say accept full responsibility, accountability and punishment for them..if not be proud to do so. Don't hide behind a lawyer, destroy evidence of take cover behind a technicality. Be damned proud of what you did and happily accept your punishment.

That wasn't the case here. These guys were expressing their anger and rage which at the end of it...won't solve anything but make them feel better. That's not what we pay cops for IMO.

IMO it's pretty simple. They thought because of the crash they could get away with beating the guy and blaming on the crash. I guarantee not one account for his injuries stated that any one of those cops pounded him. If it did, they likely claimed he was combative...which would be a clear lie.

Then we should hire robots. Humans can not and will not ever be able to not express rage and anger. You can't train a person to not be a human and express emotions. The military is also trained but if it was your ass on the line getting shot at or run over you would be pissed off too. What they felt was human emotions. It doesn't matter if you think they should have acted better. We all should act better than we do. Emotions can get the best of anyone, even very unemotional people will get emotional in certain situations. If these cops have a history of breaking the rules then yes they should get in trouble. If this is their first offense then firing them was plain wrong. :2 cents:
Then we should hire robots. Humans can not and will not ever be able to not express rage and anger. You can't train a person to not be a human and express emotions. The military is also trained but if it was your ass on the line getting shot at or run over you would be pissed off too. What they felt was human emotions. It doesn't matter if you think they should have acted better. We all should act better than we do. Emotions can get the best of anyone, even very unemotional people will get emotional in certain situations. If these cops have a history of breaking the rules then yes they should get in trouble. If this is their first offense then firing them was plain wrong. :2 cents:

No. We should hire people who can control themselves. If you are that easily set off...you are as big a threat to your fellow officers and co-workers as you are to anyone else.

You may not understand this or why it should be the case but people with whom we trust to carry firearms among other weapons during the course of their work must be expected to respond with more discipline than the average person. If not, why are we paying them to do a job of such responsibility if they are no better than the average person??

I can empathize with the difficulty but I don't sympathize with their failure. They command a certain respect and authority in our society as agents of law enforcement. That respect and authority comes with a price....and that price is responsibility.

Whether it's their first offense or not is irrelevant. It's the egregiousness of the act which is at issue. What's a legitimate first offense?? Do they get to put someone in a coma, break a limb or even shoot someone just because they can't control themselves??

The point is, there's a reason why we let the courts determine what the punishment is for people convicted of committing crimes. What if the suspect is mentally deranged and doesn't understand the consequences of their actions??? Is it fair for the cops out of anger to pummel an unconscious person on the side of the road who doesn't understand the consequences of their actions???

Courts met out justice not cops. If you want to met out you impression of justice as a cop (when it's not your place to do so) be willing to accept the punishment....period..the end.


The One and Only Big Daddy
It is sad to say they looked to have done everything right until the end like that guy said but he looked out of it when he was thrown from the van but there was no need for them to beat a person who was already out but this is the world we live in.:dunno:


milf n' cookies
You don't get it! It's not about him (the suspect).

I get it! And if this pathetic asshole would have killed someone, perhaps a family member of mine, it would NOT be about the cops at all. It would have been completely about this piece of shit of a human being!
I get it! And if this pathetic asshole would have killed someone, perhaps a family member of mine, it would NOT be about the cops at all. It would have been completely about this piece of shit of a human being!

So if you "get it" you would realize that it's about the cops doing their jobs to make sure he faces his day in court for his actions...not about their anger.

Again, cops (nor anyone) get the luxury of deciding what laws to obey and which ones they won't. If that's what you expect....then you should also expect disciplinary action or jail in your future.

They got what they deserved and I hope more cops see this and realize their jobs end at apprehension of suspects (in this case) not at punishment. That's someone else's job.

It doesn't do anything for me to see a cop breaking the law. That's ALL I see when cops are pummeling an unarmed, unconscious suspect.
I feel you. I think some people think you can't get it unless you agree with their opinion. :thumbsup:

We can agree or disagree as to whether or not they should have done what they did. Some think they should have, some (like me) think they shouldn't have. That's a simple, honest disagreement. The "don't get it" part comes in when some think their actions were justifiable and excusable. The law doesn't allow for that...so it's not a simple opinion.

It is possible to understand why someone did what they did but also accept that they should be punished; understand why someone did what they did and they shouldn't be punished; not understand why someone did what they did and that they shouldn't be punished or not understand why someone did what they did and that they should be punished.

Your position seems to be not only do you understand why they did what they did but they should have and they shouldn't be punished. I understand why they did what they did but don't think they should have and as such should be punished.

There's a difference between a "reason" and an "excuse". All excuses are reasons but no all reasons are excuses.
this seems to be the thing to do now adays if your a cop huh? the vid i saw the other day of the cop kicking the guy in face in some ones back yard when he was laying on the ground arms out waiting the get cuffed and stuffed no resistance on his part the cop just walks up and kicks him the face the heli pilot goes "oh god" as he wattches from above the cop who kciked the guy then high fives anther cop after the cuff him. gotta love them pigs! why are no charges being filed against any of these cops what makes them any better than the guy running from them after they pull that shit. protect and serve at its finest. suprised they didnt taze him while they beat him.
Anger is like passion it makes you do silly thingz sometimes becouse emotions gets in the way of thought. just imagine seeing 1 of your families getting run ova thinking some1 had just hurt or even worse killed your families, and then having that person at arms reach, ask yourself how much control will u have, ranges from the good to the bad people wil 50% of the time will attack. cops are no different but are trained to control the situation not lose control and thats y its such a big deal

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
We can agree or disagree as to whether or not they should have done what they did. Some think they should have, some (like me) think they shouldn't have. That's a simple, honest disagreement. The "don't get it" part comes in when some think their actions were justifiable and excusable. The law doesn't allow for that...so it's not a simple opinion.

It is possible to understand why someone did what they did but also accept that they should be punished; understand why someone did what they did and they shouldn't be punished; not understand why someone did what they did and that they shouldn't be punished or not understand why someone did what they did and that they should be punished.

Your position seems to be not only do you understand why they did what they did but they should have and they shouldn't be punished. I understand why they did what they did but don't think they should have and as such should be punished.

There's a difference between a "reason" and an "excuse". All excuses are reasons but no all reasons are excuses.

The law also doesn't allow you to run from the police, put lives of innocent civilians in jeopardy, run over cops, etc. The criminal does not give a damn about anyone he hurts. I do understand why the cops beat his ass. They were pissed off at his actions. The simple fact is he brought all of this on himself. I have not one ounce of sympathy for him. I do however feel bad for the cops because they acted on emotions. I don't care how much you claim they were trained to not act on emotion. You can't take emotions out of a human being. It is never going to happen. You also claim that cops should be held to a higher standard then a citizen. The same applies to the president, vice president, congress, judges, etc. Many of them have no problem with breaking the laws and people will vote them in again and again. They also don't get fired for their actions like these cops did. I hold all of those people to a much higher standard then a cop who actually has to deal with stressful situations each and every day. No need to keep trying to debate me on this because I know what you are saying, but I do not agree. I do not have to agree with you. :thumbsup:
The law also doesn't allow you to run from the police, put lives of innocent civilians in jeopardy, run over cops, etc. The criminal does not give a damn about anyone he hurts. I do understand why the cops beat his ass. They were pissed off at his actions. The simple fact is he brought all of this on himself. I have not one ounce of sympathy for him. I do however feel bad for the cops because they acted on emotions. I don't care how much you claim they were trained to not act on emotion. You can't take emotions out of a human being. It is never going to happen. You also claim that cops should be held to a higher standard then a citizen. The same applies to the president, vice president, congress, judges, etc. Many of them have no problem with breaking the laws and people will vote them in again and again. They also don't get fired for their actions like these cops did. I hold all of those people to a much higher standard then a cop who actually has to deal with stressful situations each and every day. No need to keep trying to debate me on this because I know what you are saying, but I do not agree. I do not have to agree with you. :thumbsup:

It's not a "debate". The debate is over, I know what you believe and you know what I believe. I'm not trying to convince you to believe what I want (beyond simply comprehending what I write). If I respond to something you post...it's just a response. Likewise, if anyone responds to what I post...it's just a response. It's not personal.

You hold cops to a lesser standard. I think no one is above the law because when you start down that path it won't be long before that chicken comes home to roost on your front porch in one form or another.

Situational ethics eventually produce one thing...a hypocrite.:2 cents:
It's really something that the driver wasn't at least unconscious when everything came to a rest. :1orglaugh


I guess you're kidding, right? (I see your laugh icon - I guess the joke escapes me, though)

First line of article:

"Five police officers brutally kicked and beat an unconscious suspect after a high-speed chase..."

Sorry if I just missed your point, didn't get the wisecrack...

Does everybody on here know how ridiculous it would get if everybody that committed a crime or broke the law just used the excuse, "Don't punish me, I was angry" and then were let off easy because of that? That's not a valid excuse to avoid punishment or get more leniency.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Does everybody on here know how ridiculous it would get if everybody that committed a crime or broke the law just used the excuse, "Don't punish me, I was angry" and then were let off easy because of that? That's not a valid excuse to avoid punishment or get more leniency.

So, if somebody raped your wife, girlfriend, child (etc) and you saw that person later on, after it all happened, you wouldn't act upon your rage and anger and try to kill that person? I don't know about you, but I'd be laying down some hateful beatdown if that happened.

Emotions are uncontrollable, no matter how much training you have and no matter what situation you're in. Using anger isn't a justifiable excuse to get off with no punishment at all, but angry and uncontrollable emotional reactions can be warranted. In this situation, I honestly believe that it was.
Emotions are uncontrollable, no matter how much training you have and no matter what situation you're in. Using anger isn't a justifiable excuse to get off with no punishment at all, but angry and uncontrollable emotional reactions can be warranted. In this situation, I honestly believe that it was.

It is simply not true that emotions are uncontrollable. It's even less true that physical manifestations of emotion are uncontrollable. It can be done, and is done all the time, even by police officers.

Of course I think that the emotions of the cops could be a mitigating factor in their trial, but it shouldn't automatically clear them from beating an unconscious guy.

So, just to be clear, you think it was warranted for these officers to beat a man who'd been thrown from a car during an accident and was, at the time, unconscious???

It's quite possible the guy could've been killed in the accident (neck snapped or whatever). If he was dead and they beat him, you'd be okay with that, too? (Ever heard of abuse of a corpse?)



The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
It is simply not true that emotions are uncontrollable.

If human beings were in control of their emotions, then nobody on the face of the earth would ever feel sad, angry, confused, depressed (etc). I mean, who wants to feel that way, right? So, if we could control our emotions, why would we allow ourselves to feel emotions that make us feel bad?

If my mom died tonight, I wouldn't WANT to feel like the world was coming to end and I wouldn't WANT to cry for hours, but I would. I wouldn't be able to control the emotion of sadness, which would make me cry and feel depressed. If I could control the way I felt, then I wouldn't cry or feel bad. I mean, once again, why would someone want to feel that way?

It's even less true that physical manifestations of emotion are uncontrollable. It can be done, and is done all the time, even by police officers.

This is coming from the same guy who frequently makes threads and posts about how police officers abuse their power?

If it (the display of emotional control) is done "all the time"..."even by police officers"...and you truly believe that, then why do you make so many anti-police threads and anti-police posts, which clearly demonstrate your disapproval of how police officers handle situations and act as if they are above the law? If their emotions weren't getting in the way of their actions, and it was happening that way all the time, then you wouldn't be so quick to disapprove of their actions.

Ironically, the police officers that do act is if they are above the law and do take advantage of the power that they are given are acting on their emotions (anger, pride, resentment, neglect, anxiety, etc).

Of course I think that the emotions of the cops could be a mitigating factor in their trial, but it shouldn't automatically clear them from beating an unconscious guy.

I thought that you just said...

It's even less true that physical manifestations of emotion are uncontrollable. It can be done, and is done all the time, even by police officers.

Sooooo, which one is it? Can or can't people control their emotions and the physical manifestions that follow?

So, just to be clear, you think it was warranted for these officers to beat a man who'd been thrown from a car during an accident and was, at the time, unconscious???

It's quite possible the guy could've been killed in the accident (neck snapped or whatever). If he was dead and they beat him, you'd be okay with that, too? (Ever heard of abuse of a corpse?)


First of all, it's not like the officers stood there for 5 minutes, kicking the shit out of the guy. They hit him for like 5 seconds and then stopped.

Secondly, since you can't control your emotions, it is completely understandable that the officers would have such a reaction. If you were in the same situation and somebody had tried to run over and kill your friend, you would have the same initial reaction as well.

Lastly, how do you know that the officers KNEW that the man was unconscious? Should they give every suspect a physical examination before any action is taken? Should they wait for a doctor to arrive, just to get the ok to move in on a suspect? You know, in case the suspect is physically kept at bay by an injury?

They ran up on him like lightning and started striking him right away. They didn't lay back and take inventory on the entire situtation. They saw him lying there and started hitting him, which was their emotionally driven reaction.

If you look at the video clip and focus only on the part which shows the officers hitting the unconscious man, then no...none of it was warranted.

But, if you look at the WHOLE video clip and focus on the WHOLE story, then yes...the initial reaction was warranted. And, if you look at the clip again, you will see that the officers don't spend a whole lot of time beating him. They hit and kick him for a few seconds and then back away.

Obviously, neither you or I can get inside of their heads and figure out exactly why they stopped, but it appears as if their initial emotional reaction (the punching and kicking) came to an end as they started coming to their senses, which made them back off and go back to acting from a completely unemotionally driven stand point.

Let me pose this question for everyone, not just you...

If this same exact video, with the same exact situation (the chase, the run down, the car ejection, the assault) was shown on the news, only there were no police officers involved (just normal, everyday civilians)...would you feel the same way? Or, is it the badge that they are wearing that makes you so upset with this?
I think this idea that people don't and can't control emotions is absurd.Most of us have had to learn to do that or face the consequences.If nobody controlled themselves their would be alot of violence and shouting in all kinds of situations.

And people we authorize to wear guns and enforce the law even more than most must do that.

Just think of how many times you have been angry at your boss,co-worker,customer,girlfriend/boyfriend,spouse ,child etc etc etc but controlled it and it is clear people can and should control themselves.

And especially again the police have a duty to not let emotions interfere with their doing their jobs.If they can't and are such immature hotheads then they should not be in that line of work.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I think this idea that people don't and can't control emotions is absurd.Most of us have had to learn to do that or face the consequences.If nobody controlled themselves their would be alot of violence and shouting in all kinds of situations.

And people we authorize to wear guns and enforce the law even more than most must do that.

Just think of how many times you have been angry at your boss,co-worker,customer,girlfriend/boyfriend,spouse ,child etc etc etc but controlled it and it is clear people can and should control themselves.

And especially again the police have a duty to not let emotions interfere with their doing their jobs.If they can't and are such immature hotheads then they should not be in that line of work.

If you were standing next to your wife and some random guy came up to her and punched her square in the face, are you going to...

A) Have an emotional reaction and start kicking the shit out of him?
B) Take a few moments to yourself, think things over and then make a rational, unemotionally motivated decision?

(Insert where people respond with "those two situations are nothing alike" or "I hold police officers to a higher standard" here)

Police officers are people too.
