*2017 European Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

My wife is from the UK and Brexit affected us very much because we don't what the rules will be. (we are in the US). I hope the same thing doesn't happen to regular people like us. The French people have to take responsibility for themselves.
People who vote Macron are the same useful idiots who voted for Hollande. I wonder how he will reduce and reimburse 2400 billions € of debt. Also I am also wondering by which fiscal policies he will attract again investors in France, also Macron will never say no to Brussels and will be submissive to them as much as Hollande was. Something Lepen won't ever be, Lepen hates enough Brussels
Are you sure ? Her stance about the EU has changed a lot over the course of the campaign :
I remember when she was promising people to get out of the Euro and the EU
During the campaign she said she would get France out of the Euro and will organize a referendum about leaving the EU. She even said that 70% of her program is based on leeaving the EU
And now, her deal with Dupont-Aignan specifies France would not leave the Euro, which makes leaving the EU impossible

The main problem in France is that the UIOF (Union of Islamic Organizations of France) has more or less "bought" Macron as much as they did when Hollande was elected. Muslims vote always for the left and never for the right.
You realise it makes no senses : If they always vote for the left, why would they buy Macron ? Why would Macron agree to do their bidings if he knows they are gonna vote for him anyway ?
The truth is most muslims voted for Melenchon and many of them won't even vote on the 2nd round.

If people who voted Macron will be in deeper shit than they are now (something I am sure about at 90%), I won't feel sorry for them at all.
Don't worry, among the people who are in shit, few voted for Macron, most of them voted for Mélenchon or Le Pen. And most of those who voted for Mélenchon won't vote.
I am watching a translated version of the debate now. Le Pen talking about France going the way of Greece. Macron looks like an unprepared child at this debate. She looks very presidential and confident and in control.

I don't expect France to vote for her, but she is heads and shoulders above him with her knowledge.

Very impressive.


Staff member
I am watching a translated version of the debate now. Le Pen talking about France going the way of Greece. Macron looks like an unprepared child at this debate. She looks very presidential and confident and in control.

I don't expect France to vote for her, but she is heads and shoulders above him with her knowledge.

Very impressive.
Macron is backed up by banks, ceo of big companies, the union of islamic organizations of France, the journalist prostitutes and former socialist delegates. So if Macron wins, the people will have to assume their own vote and not cry for their own misery if France will be considered as a shit stack. A lot of foreign countries had a very low opinion of us when Hollande was elected, now it is going to be worse.


Staff member
Are you sure ? Her stance about the EU has changed a lot over the course of the campaign :
I remember when she was promising people to get out of the Euro and the EU
During the campaign she said she would get France out of the Euro and will organize a referendum about leaving the EU. She even said that 70% of her program is based on leeaving the EU
And now, her deal with Dupont-Aignan specifies France would not leave the Euro, which makes leaving the EU impossible

You realise it makes no senses : If they always vote for the left, why would they buy Macron ? Why would Macron agree to do their bidings if he knows they are gonna vote for him anyway ?
The truth is most muslims voted for Melenchon and many of them won't even vote on the 2nd round.

Don't worry, among the people who are in shit, few voted for Macron, most of them voted for Mélenchon or Le Pen. And most of those who voted for Mélenchon won't vote.
She reaffirmed it again in the debate again today, that she doesn't want France to be a slave and a muppet of Brussells. She also clearly said that the euro is profitable mostly for banks but not for people. Haven't you seen how prices for everything have skyrocketed since the Euro introduction? Are we happy with such a Europe with zero independance left?
The muslim council and muslims buy the ones who follow their agendas and who promise them financial helps. How do you think that Hollande got elected? Thanks to muslim votes.
georges said:
She reaffirmed it again in the debate again today, that she doesn't want France to be a slave and a muppet of Brussells. She also clearly said that the euro is profitable mostly for banks but not for people.
On the economy (amongother topics), she has been very vague, very imprecise and constantly tried to attack Macron instead of talking about her own program.
I couldn't help but notice tht she had a big binder at her side while Macron didn't needed to read any file because, unlike Ms Le Pen, he knows his own program.

Haven't you seen how prices for everything have skyrocketed since the Euro introduction? Are we happy with such a Europe with zero independance left?
The prices went up ? Wow, what a surprise. It's called inflation you moron and it's not linked to te Euro.
The Euro was introduced in 2002. From 2002 to 2012 the price for a kilo of bread went from 2.73€ to 3.46€, which constitutes a 27% raise
During the 10 years that prececed the Euro, from 1991 to 2001, it's price went from 2.15€ to 2.63%, which constitutes a 22.5% raise

The muslim council and muslims buy the ones who follow their agendas and who promise them financial helps. How do you think that Hollande got elected? Thanks to muslim votes.
M. Hollande was so much sold to the muslims and their agenda that the one campaign promise he kept, the one bill he refused to bargain on was the Gay Marriage, which the muslims were fiercely opposed.
M. Hollande was elected thanks to the msulim vote ? Then why Ms Royal lost to Sarkozy ? The muslims knew what was Sarkozy's projects for them, he had been Interior Minister for about 5 years.
In 2012, two things got Hollande elected :
- His stance on the Finance industry, (which was a lie)
- Independant voters, who had massively voted for Sarkozy in 2007, were fed up with him
The FN, its leaders and its fans often accuse other parties to de bought off by muslim. They rarely mention the fact that, in 2014, Marine went to UAE to seek campaign finance money

Actually, Marine was so vague, she told so many lies, made so many mistakes, she looked like a student who forgot to learn his lesson

She insisted that Macron was responsible for selling SFR to french billionaire Patrick Drahi (through his coproration, Altice) who was quick to fire 6.000 of SFR's employees.

The truth :
1) SFR was a private company owned by Vivendi and it was Vivendi's board who coosed to sell it
2) Vivendi announced they would sell SFR to Altice in April 2014, Macron took office in August 2014

As Macron said to her, she got confused because in November 2014, while Macron was in offie as Minister of the Conomy, Alstom, anpther french company, decided to sell its energy branch to General Electrics

Either she purposely lied to mislead people or she didn't knew what she was talking about. In both case, that's pretty worrying....


Staff member
On the economy (amongother topics), she has been very vague, very imprecise and constantly tried to attack Macron instead of talking about her own program.
I couldn't help but notice tht she had a big binder at her side while Macron didn't needed to read any file because, unlike Ms Le Pen, he knows his own program.

The prices went up ? Wow, what a surprise. It's called inflation you moron and it's not linked to te Euro.
The Euro was introduced in 2002. From 2002 to 2012 the price for a kilo of bread went from 2.73€ to 3.46€, which constitutes a 27% raise
During the 10 years that prececed the Euro, from 1991 to 2001, it's price went from 2.15€ to 2.63%, which constitutes a 22.5% raise

M. Hollande was so much sold to the muslims and their agenda that the one campaign promise he kept, the one bill he refused to bargain on was the Gay Marriage, which the muslims were fiercely opposed.
M. Hollande was elected thanks to the msulim vote ? Then why Ms Royal lost to Sarkozy ? The muslims knew what was Sarkozy's projects for them, he had been Interior Minister for about 5 years.
In 2012, two things got Hollande elected :
- His stance on the Finance industry, (which was a lie)
- Independant voters, who had massively voted for Sarkozy in 2007, were fed up with him

Because like the other stupid sheeps you are going to vote Macron and you think it will make your life more easy and more comfy? You are dumber than a brick. Because Macron's program is so foolproof? Hollande did the same back then in 2012 with the more than mediocre results we know, but yet you refuse to acknowledge it. You think that unemployment and safety will be improved? Wrong again. You are so naive and gullible. Guess who he has appointed as a General Secretary of the Republic? A certain Mr Kohler who was before in Hollande's government. I can prove it https://fr.news.yahoo.com/macron-déjà-choisi-bras-droit-104743483.html

Before calling me any names, just look at how many times you were ridiculed in political threads. I know that you will always defend a centrist or a leftist candidate who likes communautarianism, dumbing down the society and who lacks patriotism that is very clear to me. If someone says to me that he is living better under the euro than under the franc, I guess they haven't seen or have not understood that prices were increasing six times. It has nothing to do with inflation at all. Example, price of a baguette back in 1999, 3 francs, now 1 euro or 6,559567francs . Price of a nice appartment in Paris 15th district in 1999, 600000-1000000 francs, now 1000000 to 1500000€ or 6000000 francs if not more. How many people can buy an appartment in Paris aside millionaires and foreign rich people? Not many. Same where I live. You will find nothing priced at less than 300000€ and very few people can buy something without making a credit. Perhaps you are rolling in gold and have a villa(something I highly doubt), but many people in France aren't. Have you ever thought about your retirement money? I started to think about it 4 years ago and started to spare money for it because I know that in the future you will have to build your retirement money with your own money. The government won't have enough funds to pay for everybody's retirement.
Regarding the Union of Islamic Organiszations of France has backed up Macron and Muslims will vote for him
Sooner or later with Macron, things will worsen. The medias brainwash the people and who for the majority of them are stupid, overtly naive, gullible sheeps/muppets and who can't think by their own, this happened in 2012 and now it happens again in 2017. Am I astonished of this level of never ending stupidity? Absolutely not. I know the leftist morale and personnally I never really liked leftists of any kind. They are the reasons of France's decline and impoverishment since 4 decades. We will never ever agree regarding politics but so be it.
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What's "funny" is that, when former leaders of the Ku Kux Klan bring their support to Trump, we are told by Trump voters that it doesn't mean Trump is gonna do their bidings but when an islamic organisation endorses Macron, we are told he's now their bitch...

Paris has always been much more expansive than the rest of the country. Maybe you should go elsewhere to get your datas. Angers, Grenoble, Charleville-Mézière, Rouen, Albi, Limoge, Clermont-Ferrand are just a few cities you gcould go to and see how much things cost there.

Macron choosed Kohler ? Wow, what a surprised, he would name someone who was one of his very close advisor when he was minister to be his closes advisor if he gets elected, wow, this is mind-blowing ! And since Kohler has hold government positions under Chirac and Sarkozy, I don't think you can label him as a socialist.
He spent 3 years working for Rothschild & Cie (investment bank). Only retards would think a banker could be a socialist. Only retards could think a socialist would cut corporate charges, rip off part of the labour laws, cut taxes on share-holders, etc.

You know what makes me think he's neither Right nor Left ? The Left accuses him of being too soft on the rich, on corporations, on investors, etc. while the Right accuses him of being too tough on these same persons/interests.
When the Right says you're a Leftist and the Left say you're a Right-Winger, it means you're exactly in the middle of these two.
Horseshit. Working as a grunt investment banker doesn't make him any less of a socialist.

That's why he got into politics. He'll implement none of the so-called tax cuts that he campaigned on.

Obama senses a Macron win and decided to meddle in the French elections so when the Russians hack your election he can say he influenced the vote.

The election of Macron is going to result in the moist tumultuous period for France since WWII.


Staff member
What's "funny" is that, when former leaders of the Ku Kux Klan bring their support to Trump, we are told by Trump voters that it doesn't mean Trump is gonna do their bidings but when an islamic organisation endorses Macron, we are told he's now their bitch...

Paris has always been much more expansive than the rest of the country. Maybe you should go elsewhere to get your datas. Angers, Grenoble, Charleville-Mézière, Rouen, Albi, Limoge, Clermont-Ferrand are just a few cities you gcould go to and see how much things cost there.

Macron choosed Kohler ? Wow, what a surprised, he would name someone who was one of his very close advisor when he was minister to be his closes advisor if he gets elected, wow, this is mind-blowing ! And since Kohler has hold government positions under Chirac and Sarkozy, I don't think you can label him as a socialist.

Wasn't hollande the muslims's bitch? Yes, he was. So why would it be any less different with Macron? Because, he appeared very arrogant and so very sure of himself in the yesterday debate by the fact that he claims that he is not backed up by them when in fact he is?

Are Angers, Limoges, Clermont Ferrand, Charlesville Mézière, Rouen and Albi cost of life comparable to the most expensive districts of Paris? Not really, unless you compare with the entry level and middle of the range districts of Paris which are not so well reputed and where cost of life is affordable. Clermont Ferrand and Charlesville Mézière were mostly industrial towns but with growing desindustrialisation over the years, big ghettos with lawless areas have grown like mushrooms and about Angers and Limoges, I doubt that they are better than Paris and I never compare the top of the range stuff to middle of the range or entry level stuff. It would be comparing the Bronx or Harlem to the fifth avenue or Manhattan. Orléans, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Lyon and Rennes are interesting alternatives to Paris because cost of life is cheaper and the areas surrounding these towns are well reputed.

So Kohler changed sides, does the fact to change sides is a sign of a person's trustworthiness? Absolutely not. I will repeat it again, behind a so called "centrist" always hides a socialist whether you like it or not.
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Staff member
Horseshit. Working as a grunt investment banker doesn't make him any less of a socialist.

That's why he got into politics. He'll implement none of the so-called tax cuts that he campaigned on.

Obama senses a Macron win and decided to meddle in the French elections so when the Russians hack your election he can say he influenced the vote.

The election of Macron is going to result in the moist tumultuous period for France since WWII.

Very true my friend. But go explain that to the stupid and the brainwashed. Waste of time. It will be when we will have reached Greece's level of poverty that maybe (I said maybe) people will start realizing what happens unless they are clueless douchebags who are always out of touch with the reality.
Wasn't hollande the muslims's bitch? Yes, he was.
He was their bitch so much that his first important reform, the one he defended fiercely, not back-pedaling on any aspect of was the Gay Marriage, which pisses muslims off as much as it pissed christians off.

Because, he appeared very arrogant and so very sure of himself in the yesterday debate by the fact that he claims that he is not backed up by them when in fact he is?
He did not said he is not backed by the UOIF. But being backed back an organisation doesn't make youy the bitch of that organisation. Otherwise, it would mean Trump is the KK's bitch and every GOP candidate is the NRA's bitch.

Are Angers, Limoges, Clermont Ferrand, Charlesville Mézière, Rouen and Albi cost of life comparable to the most expensive districts of Paris? Not really, unless you compare with the entry level and middle of the range districts of Paris which are not so well reputed and where cost of life is affordable. Clermont Ferrand and Charlesville Mézière were mostly industrial towns but with growing desindustrialisation over the years, big ghettos with lawless areas have grown like mushrooms and about Angers and Limoges, I doubt that they are better than Paris and I never compare the top of the range stuff to middle of the range or entry level stuff. It would be comparing the Bronx or Harlem to the fifth avenue or Manhattan. Orléans, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Lyon and Rennes are interesting alternatives to Paris because cost of life is cheaper and the areas surrounding these towns are well reputed.
You do realise this is insulting toward the people who do live in Angers, Grenoble, Charleville-Meziere, etc, do you ? I know Charleville-Méziere and I can tell you there's no ghetto. But there are ghettos in Lyon, Bordeaux, Toulouse, etc.
Try Décines for example. I guarantee you you're gonna love the city and its population
Yes there a some Paris' districts that are not as epensive as others. But wether you live in the 18th distric or in Saint Denis, the neighborhood is the same. But the prices are cheaper in Saint Denis than in Paris' 18th district.

I will repeat it again, behind a so called "centrist" always hides a socialist whether you like it or not.
During his 5 years mandate Sarkozy kept the same person as Deefense Minister : Hervé Morin, a centrist (his party was then name the Nouveau Centre). If, as you claim, a centrist is in fact a socialist, it means Sarkozy had a socialist for Defense Minister during his entire mandate. Did he ?