*2017 European Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

The presidency is now Macron’s to lose. If he does win on 7 May(and it still has to be an if, though less of an if than it seemed 24 hours earlier) this could have several unanticipated and beneficial effects. It could presage a complete restructuring of French politics and bring the country’s awkwardly old-fashioned politics into the modern age

Macron 2017
Holy shit! Is this accurate?
Le Pen took the lead after late returns came in?



Hiliary 2020
Gotta be rigged. If she wins it will be the eventual end of the catastrophe that is the EU.
No way they are going to let that happen.
In every election in all the countries of the EU you are going to see the Nationalist candidate come close but not win.
Fully official results will be announced in a few hours but for now medias stick with Macron ahead at 24% and Le Pen behind with 21.5 /22%
Final official results :

Emmanuel Macron : 23.75%
Marine Lepen : 21.53%

François Fillon : 19,91%
Jean-Luc Mélenchon: 19,64%
Benoit Hamon : 6.35%
Nicolas Dupont Aignan : 4,75%
Jean Lasalle : 1,22%
Philipe Poutou : 1,10%
François Asselineau : 0,92%
Nathalie Arthaud : 0,65%
Jacques Cheminade : 0,18%

The second round will be on May 7th.
Emmanuel Macron and Marine Lepen will have a debate on May 3th
Final official results :

Emmanuel Macron : 23.75%
Marine Lepen : 21.53%

François Fillon : 19,91%
Jean-Luc Mélenchon: 19,64%
Benoit Hamon : 6.35%
Nicolas Dupont Aignan : 4,75%
Jean Lasalle : 1,22%
Philipe Poutou : 1,10%
François Asselineau : 0,92%
Nathalie Arthaud : 0,65%
Jacques Cheminade : 0,18%

The second round will be on May 7th.
Emmanuel Macron and Marine Lepen will have a debate on May 3th

Hopefully, the debate will be televised and with English translation

If so, it will be the first debate I have ever watched for a European election.

I can't help but notice that Marine Le Pen hasn't jumped at every opportunity to cry misogyny and that a woman should be elected president like Hillary Clinton did.
To have again 5 years of so called centrism but which is in fact disguised socialism with lot of former's Hollande staff. No, thank you, I am not a sheep and not going to vote for one who was in Hollande's government
You sound like an Asselineau voter (which, in my book, is even wolrst than a Lepen voter)

Blue Countach said:
Has any 1st round second place finisher ever gone on to win the second round?
Yes, it happened, on 3 occasions


First round
Chirac : 20%
Jospin : 23%

Second round :
Chirac : 52%
Jospin : 48%


1st round
Mitterrand : 25%
Giscard : 28%

2nd round
Mitterrand : 51,5%
Giscard : 48,5%


1st round
Giscard : 32%
Mitterrand : 43%

2nd Round :
Giscard : 51%
Mitterrand: 49%
You sound like an Asselineau voter (which, in my book, is even wolrst than a Lepen voter)

Yes, it happened, on 3 occasions


First round
Chirac : 20%
Jospin : 23%

Second round :
Chirac : 52%
Jospin : 48%


1st round
Mitterrand : 25%
Giscard : 28%

2nd round
Mitterrand : 51,5%
Giscard : 48,5%


1st round
Giscard : 32%
Mitterrand : 43%

2nd Round :
Giscard : 51%
Mitterrand: 49%

Macron stands only for interests. Le Pen fights for beliefs. The number one core belief Le Pen fights for is the survival of France as we've known it, as a great country that has a special part to play in the world, in philosophical terms, political terms and economic terms. Today France is under threat and it's under threat because of the policies of Hollande and Macron is the puppet of Hollande. The French people know this

Le Pen 2017
Quote from Marine Le Pen during a recent campaign rally in Nice:

"Macron is a pyromaniac who wants to burn down the country, but is campaigning as a fireman."


The truth is Marine pretends to be from the people but her father Jean-Marie is rich. Marine was in a castle in which she lived 'till 2015. She had non-political job (as a layer) for only 6 years.
In 2011 she was handed the head of the Front National by her father who had founded it about 40 years sooner. 4 years later she got him ousted from the party.
France's Le Pen picks would-be prime minister

French far-right presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen said on Saturday she would appoint nationalist Nicolas Dupont-Aignan as her prime minister,
in a bid to attract more voters and defeat her centrist rival Emmanuel Macron.
Dupont-Aignan, a Eurosceptic and former rival of of Le Pen, scored 4.7 percent of votes in the first round on April 23.
While he also wants protectionist policies, he got Le Pen to tweak her program. Now their so-called patriotic alliance states there’s no rush to leave the eurozone, while schools should remain free for foreign children [Le Pen's program featured making foreign children pay for school whil it would remain free for french kids], too.
The move could bring Le Pen a bigger pool of voters as she challenges centrist frontrunner Emmanuel Macron in the May 7 runoff.

Macron was campaigning in central France when he heard the news. He said voters now had a clear choice between an anti-European project, and his own, more “progressive” views.
“The question is not whether Mr. X or Y is going to be prime minister, what matters is her project. That’s what a presidential election is all about – a project that’s brought before the people. Madame Le Pen’s project is a dangerous one for the country because it’s about closing borders, and ultimately shrinking,” Macron said.

The latest polls show Macron easily winning the election with around 60 percent of votes. However, surveys suggest Le Pen has gained ground this week, while many leftist voters threaten to abstain.

Most of Dupont-Aignan voters already planned to vote for Le Pen so I don't think this endorsement will increase her score significantly.

Some of Dupon-Aignan's stances on Foreign Policy are interesting, to say the least : Le Pen’s PM pick blasted Israel during Gaza war, equated Netanyahu with Hamas

Most of Dupont-Aignan voters already planned to vote for Le Pen so I don't think this endorsement will increase her score significantly.

Some of Dupon-Aignan's stances on Foreign Policy are interesting, to say the least : Le Pen’s PM pick blasted Israel during Gaza war, equated Netanyahu with Hamas

Le rival de Marine Le Pen estime que le ralliement des deux personnages vise à régler les "problèmes de crédibilité" de la candidate FN et de "financement" de Dupont-Aignan.

En visite dans une exploitation agricole d'Usseau (dans la Vienne), Emmanuel Macron n'a pas pu éviter LE sujet politique du jour: le ralliement de Nicolas Dupont-Aignan à la candidature de Marine Le Pen, pour le second tour de l'élection présidentielle.

"Est-ce qu'on peut penser une seule seconde que ce que vit la campagne, la ruralité, va être réglé par la combine de M. Dupont-Aignan et Mme Marine Le Pen ? Non", a estimé l'ancien ministre de l'Economie.

Sur la promesse de sa rivale de nommer le président de Debout la France comme Premier ministre si elle est élue présidente, le candidat a enchéri: celui-ci "semble être une combine d'appareil qui a vocation à régler les problèmes de crédibilité de Marine Le Pen, qui n'a pas d'équipe autour d'elle, et les problèmes de financement de M. Dupont-Aignan". "Ça n'est ni plus ni moins que cela et ce n'est pas grave", a-t-il enfoncé.

Bingo. Gaullism for the win
France are the European equivalent of the U.S. West coast .

What they do is not a bellwether either way.
If Le Pen wins ( she won't) the Russians hacked the election or Islamaphobia caused temporary insanity among the electorate.

When Macron wins ( he will) it will be France being their same old Frenchy selves.
At least we still have our surrender jokes.


Staff member
France are the European equivalent of the U.S. West coast .

What they do is not a bellwether either way.
If Le Pen wins ( she won't) the Russians hacked the election or Islamaphobia caused temporary insanity among the electorate.

When Macron wins ( he will) it will be France being their same old Frenchy selves.
At least we still have our surrender jokes.
People who vote Macron are the same useful idiots who voted for Hollande. I wonder how he will reduce and reimburse 2400 billions € of debt. Also I am also wondering by which fiscal policies he will attract again investors in France, also Macron will never say no to Brussels and will be submissive to them as much as Hollande was. Something Lepen won't ever be, Lepen hates enough Brussels and to see France ruined because of the ill based and failed policies of the right wing and left wing governements.I remember a very important watch brand ceo saying "Si vous êtes tout pour tout le monde, alors vous n'êtes plus rien pour personne." Which translated in English means: "If you are everything for everybody then you are nothing for nobody." The main problem in France is that the UIOF (Union of Islamic Organizations of France) has more or less "bought" Macron as much as they did when Hollande was elected. Muslims vote always for the left and never for the right. If people who voted Macron will be in deeper shit than they are now (something I am sure about at 90%), I won't feel sorry for them at all. They will just get what they deserved because of their stubborness, never ending stupidity, lack of patriotism, and unability to think by their ownselves (you can't fix naive, disillusionned and stupid people, never. If someone is born an idiot and moron, he will stay so for the rest of his life) . A centrist candidate who claims to be neither from the right or the left is never a good thing.